It says Donald Trump will go down in history as the worst president.

Arnold Schwarzenegger also spoke about what was happening on Capitol Hill, explaining in a long Twitter video what he thought of the case.

The actor, a former governor, said he grew up in Austria, so he is well aware of what happened on his crystal night of November 9-10, 1938 in Germany.

Wednesday was America’s crystal night. Not only did the mob smash the Capitol windows, it smashed ideas we took for granted. Not only were the doors of the building that housed American democracy smashed, but the ideas on which our country was built were trampled.

The actor, a former governor, said he grew up in Austria, so he is well aware of what happened on his crystal night in Germany on November 9-10, 1938.

Wednesday was America’s crystal clear night, the mob not only smashing the Capitol windows but also shattering the ideas we take for granted. Not only were the doors to the building that houses American democracy smashed, but the ideas on which our country was built were also trampled on.

– He said. Then he also recalled his childhood memories of what it was like to be born in a country full of people shattered two years after World War II.

“It started with lies and intolerance. Coming from Europe, I saw firsthand that things were getting out of our control,” he said. As he said, it is worth being aware of the serious consequences of selfishness and cynicism. Schwarzenegger says Trump has tried to overthrow the result of a fair election, believes

a fallen leader who will go down in history as the worst president, but the good news is that he will soon be as irrelevant as an old Twitter post.

The former governor wished Joe Biden every success.

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