The journalists were also expelled from the scene, but this time they were not taken away.

Once again, riot police dispersed the protesters on Friday night at Independence Square in Minsk. HE TASZSZ According to a Russian news agency, the Belarusian Police Special Forces (OMON) also began detaining men protesting in the square on Friday.

Press personnel at the scene were directed to the edge of the plaza. Unlike the day before, now there has been no journalist.

The women, who formed a lifeguard to protect the men, were only hugged by security early in the evening. When the police appeared, the women began to sing. Not long ago, about fifty of the so-called solidarity chains were formed.

According to the Belarusian press, there were similar movements in various residential areas of Minsk.

Belarusian lawmakers demanded a joint statement on Friday demanding the release of political prisoners and people detained in peaceful protests, a news portal run by a police organization called Vyasna-96 (Spring-96) said.

In Belarus, for the 20th day, there have been opposition protests since the presidential elections. So far, the brutal actions of the internal security forces have resulted in at least three deaths, and the authorities have detained thousands to break the peaceful resistance to Alexander Lukashenko’s regime.

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The assault police began to disperse the protesters in Minsk.


Previously, several journalists were detained and their phones and documents confiscated. They also protested alongside Lukashenko.

Lukashenko put half the army in readiness for combat


The President of Belarus claims that he discussed with Vladimir Putin that, if necessary, the armies of the two countries will jointly face the Western threat.