According to the German Chancellor, in the coming weeks it will be decided how his Christmas will be.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

To curb the coronavirus epidemic in Germany, everyone should meet fewer people and stay home whenever possible, Chancellor Angela Merkel said in a video message on Saturday. In a message described as dramatic in the German press, the politician pointed out that the number of people confirmed infected with the new type of coronavirus is skyrocketing day by day, and the epidemic is spreading faster than in the spring, during the first wave .

“The relatively quiet summer is over, we have difficult months ahead, and in the coming days and weeks it will be decided what winter will be like and what Christmas will be like. We decided all this, with our actions, ”said Angela Merkel. According to the German Chancellor, not only infectious hygiene precautions that have been practiced for months (wearing a mask, keeping your distance, washing your hands frequently, and frequent ventilation during the autumn-winter period) should be taken seriously, but “go beyond”.

“Science clearly says that the spread of the virus is directly related to relationships, encounters”, so “if everyone significantly restricts encounters outside the family for a time, we can stop and reverse the trend towards infections every time older, “explained the German. chancellor.
“That is why today I am asking you to meet far fewer people, both at home and away from home, to refrain from unnecessary travel and celebrations, and to stay home whenever possible,” Angela Merkel added. “I know this sounds harsh and it could be a difficult resignation,” but it must be done so as not to overload the healthcare system, keep schools and kindergartens open, keep the economy running and keep jobs, the German chancellor said. Since 2006, he has published weekly video messages in which he talks about current political and social issues.

According to data on Saturday from the Robert Koch National Institute of Public Health (RKI), there have been 7,830 infections in the last 24 hours. This is the highest number of cases per day since the new type of coronavirus appeared in Germany, and it is almost 500 cases more than the previous record, 7334 on Friday. The number of cases confirmed by the test amounted to 356,387. Deaths related to the disease caused by the virus increased by 33 in one day to 9,767.

The seven-day moving average of the virus’s so-called reproduction rate (R) also increased, from 1.22 a day earlier to 1.30. This means that for every 100 people infected, they transmit the virus to an average of 130 other people.

The number of people treated in the intensive care unit for Covid-19 rose to 1,290 in one day, according to the latest data on Friday. About one in two patients (341 people) requires mechanical ventilation. These data indicate that just 2 percent of the roughly 30,000 intensive care beds are occupied by Covid-19 patients. At the same time, their numbers are increasing rapidly, by a hundred from 590 on Monday.

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