Robert Koch, vice president of the National Institute of Public Health, held an extraordinary press conference on the riots related to the increase in the indicator.

Coronavirus pandemic

The number of people infected with the coronavirus in the world already exceeds four million, almost three hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact of the epidemic is invaluable. The spread of the epidemic is already slowing in several countries, restrictions have been eased in several places. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay with us, read our series of articles.

The increase in the so-called reproductive rate (R), which indicates the movement of the pathogen, does not mean an increase in the coronavirus epidemic in Germany, said Robert Koch, vice president of the National Institute of Public Health (RKI), at a press conference extraordinary.

Lars Schaade emphasized that the R value is influenced by a number of factors, including the reduction in the number of new infections registered. The smaller the number of new cases, the greater the fluctuations caused by the change in the rate of reproduction.

They are also affected by local outbreaks, increasingly characteristic of Germany. This is shown by light bulbs found in nursing homes or meat worker housing.

The reproduction rate has increased above 1 in recent days to indicate the limit of viral withdrawal and spread (if R = 1, it means that an infected person transmits the coronavirus to a person). But the “stable” R value, which “smoothed” daily fluctuations and showed better trends, was not above 1 on any day in the past week, RKI vice president explained.

As he said, based on trends in recent weeks.

the number of newly registered cases will most likely settle at around a thousand and R will fluctuate around 1.

He also spoke about the fact that the values ​​of the last days, which ranged from 0.83 to 1.13, are not particularly significant, it would be worrying if the reproduction rate were at the level of around 1.20-1.30 over a longer period of time. , that is to say. if every 100 new infected people transmitted the virus to an additional 120-130 people. In such a situation, the number of new cases would begin to explode exponentially again, and the epidemic could again be reduced to manageable levels with strict restrictions, freezing the functioning of society and the economy.

Schaade emphasized that with due care, new waves of infection could be prevented on a large scale.

The epidemic is dwindling, but the virus is still “among us” and will not disappear until community immunity develops in the absence of vaccination. Its movement, its spread, its repression, is only influenced by human behavior, so by following the hygiene rules of infections, the deterioration of the epidemic situation can be avoided.

The vice president said.

The institute found that the new type of coronavirus (SARS-CoV-29) had been detected in 170,508 people in Germany as of Tuesday, 933 more cases than the day before.

The number of confirmed infections in viral disease (COVID-19) increased from 116 to 7,533.

The estimated number of confirmed infected people who have already recovered from the infection is 147,200, which is 1,600 more than on Sundays. This number can only be estimated because only the fact of the appearance of the virus should only be officially registered and it is not necessary to report it separately if someone no longer carries the pathogen.

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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The Germans facilitated austerity measures due to the epidemic, and the infection rate also increased.