We have an exciting day as we watch the vote count. If Joe Biden won Pennsylvania, he would be president, but if Trump wins there, the winner will be the one who takes two from Georgia, Arizona and Nevada.

Trump vs. Biden – 2020 US Presidential Election

On November 3, a presidential election was held in the United States. The calculation of the majority of the analysts entered, due to the large number of votes cast in the mail, the day of the elections did not return results. However, Donald Trump declared victory and also mentioned electoral fraud. Follow the events of the lengthy presidential election on hvg.hu.

Six states have yet to announce a winner in the US presidential election. In electoral numbers, Joe Biden is currently leading 253-213 against Donald Trump (victory requires 270), but much enthusiasm remains. We will show you what to look for.

Before looking at anything else, first Pennsylvania the results must be monitored. If Biden had won there, everything else would have mattered, with 20 electrics there, he would be capped at 270 dreams. But for now, Trump is driving there.

About 70 percent of the turnout, Trump had another nearly 700,000 votes, after which they began counting the votes cast before Election Day and received in the letter. Biden beats them by about a three-quarters advantage, but Trump still leads, with 115,000 votes on a 92 percent turnout, with roughly 500,000 votes remaining to count. The president’s edge is quickly melting away, so fast that The New York Times has made the frankly bold claim that if things kept up like this, Biden would not only earn a little there, but even earn more than the 1 percent needed to count. All that is certain is that for Biden, the most realistic path to victory may be Pennsylvania, but while he is at a disadvantage, he cannot be based on votes to be counted later. The work is constantly updated, they are very hopeful that they will not have to wait until Friday to announce the result.

If, on the other hand, in Pennsylvania, Trump still had his lead, we could pay attention to three states. Then it will be the president who wins two of these three.

Georgiában (16 elektor) the toughest competition imaginable. In votes cast and in votes cast before Election Day, Biden has enormous superiority, but overall Trump leads, with 14,000 votes. And there is completely contradictory news about how much more to count: people from the state authorities said 25 thousand in the morning, then cleared 50, then 61 thousand. If the 25,000 number were true, Trumpé would be the state, if not, even a few hundred votes could decide in the end.

Arizona (11 voters) Biden leads with 69,000 votes, and that was enough for some of the less cautious televisions to give him status, but it was their mistake. This is because the majority of the votes in the cards there, as opposed to the entire country, support Trump, in roughly 60-40 proportions, as much as he would have to win there to attract the state. They are still in 86 percent processing, which promises results at 3am local time.

Nevada (6 elektor) at home, he began posting more results at 6 p.m., until then Biden had only 7,600 votes. Now there are 11,000, and the majority of the remaining votes come from Las Vegas, where the vast majority support Bident. The work is still too tight to announce a result, but the bravest are already giving this place to Biden.

And if we’re beyond these states, there are still two places left, but not so much to focus on now: In North Carolina (15 voters), Trump leads with 76,000 votes at 95 percent processing, but there aren’t many reasons there. for big pennies like Pennsylvania. expect a difference in letter votes. Anyway, votes cast by mail before the election will be accepted until November 12, so there will be no results from there for a while, but we can safely reserve status for Trumpe. The same is true for Alaska (3 voters), where mail-in votes can still go through Nov. 10, but after summarizing so far, Trump has a two-thirds advantage, and it seems almost certain that Maine’s four voters with slightly different rules After Biden is assigned three, Trump gets the fourth.

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The choice between Trump and Biden is also key given the impending climate catastrophe.

Imre Keresztes

The world may have started to get serious about fighting climate change, and there is still some time to avoid disaster. But without painful consequences, it is no longer possible to get away with it.

The Trumps have already filed four demands for the vote count.


In two states they want to achieve a recount of votes, in two a suspension of the count. Meanwhile, they are demonstrating for and against the president in various cities.