The 15-year-old girl died in early September and her autopsy revealed that she was killed by a coronavirus.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

A 15-year-old girl also died in the coronavirus epidemic in Slovakia, Parameter wrote. The girl died in a hospital in Nitra in September, but the autopsy had only now established her death from a coronavirus infection.

News of the girl’s death came in early September, when they were still guessing the cause of death. Health Minister Marek Krajčí said at the time that the girl was severely overweight, posing a higher risk of infection. On September 21, the health ministry reported that it was not primarily the coronavirus that caused the girl’s death; this has now been refuted by the ministry.

According to Johns Hopkins University, the number of deaths from the virus in the country has risen to 54, with 11,617 infected currently registered.

The Slovak portal wrote on Saturday that 215 people are currently being treated in hospital due to the Covid-19 disease. By comparison, the number of people hospitalized for influenza and its complications has averaged 137 over the past five years, of whom 37 have suffered from pneumonia.

This means that already in Slovakia, just seven months after the epidemic started, three times as many people have died from the flu in recent years.

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Czech Republic and Slovakia flag each other over coronavirus


Andrej Babis fears that the restrictions imposed in Slovakia affect tourists due to the high number of infected people in the Czech Republic.

An emergency will take effect in Slovakia on Thursday


At the moment, the measure will remain in force for a month and a half.

The plug is big on the M7