Women speak constantly, Gyurcsány is attacking God according to public media


“If they talk all the time – the dominance of women in Biden’s communication team” – with this rather sexist title, hirado.hu reported that it would be made up exclusively of women Joe biden Elected communications team of the President of the United States.

So far, the media has reported on the US presidential election from a particular perspective, last week with the also harmless news from the MTI that Biden’s victory in “Humor in Pennsylvania?” They have verified Biden’s victory and are talking about fair elections, ”reported the MTVA news site.

The hirado.hu main material from Monday afternoon was published with the title:

This time Gyurcsány pointed to God.

Anyway, more on that Bence Rétvári, Secretary of State Emmi, who spoke about the writing, does not even speak, only wrote on her Facebook page eight days ago that “Ferenc Gyurcsány he made it clear that he wanted to end the Vatican Treaty when he came to power, and they did not provide a penny of credit support. ” Rétvári corroborates all this with a video of Gyurcsány’s speech in 2013, which was now summoned to the M1 program, where he spoke about the fact that the human image of the president of the Democratic Coalition “fits only the atheist man, so it also wants to abolish credit subsidies. This is a war message from the fallen prime minister: he sees believers as second-class and would ignore Hungarian millennial traditions. “

Why Gyurcsány’s words seven years ago suddenly became topical is explained in an article on hirado.hu: “Now that he has crushed all opposition, he would realize his anti-ecclesiastical ideas if he came to power.” “After believing in the nation, politicians and freedom, Ferenc Gyurcsány pointed to God. The campaign of the fallen prime minister against the Hungarian people will continue with the support of the entire opposition palette ”, summarized the media outlets of the public media, which is scheduled to run from 118 billion HUF and is scheduled for the next year.

Recently, the Free Europe recordings, which were made at a M1 meeting during the EP election campaign, were commented on by the editor-in-chief of this feed on its programming principles:
