Withdrawal from the EU: the text of the agreement has finally been reached


After a desperately long negotiation, more than four years after the 2016 referendum, the Brexit deal has finally been put under cover, which the European Union and the United Kingdom have already been able to accept. The full text of the document was also released on Saturday.

The 1246-page trade document has been published, representing a free trade agreement between the UK and the European Union. The text establishes the text of the Convention on Nuclear Energy, Exchange of Classified Information, Civil Nuclear Energy, Fisheries and a number of other issues. In the future, this will determine the relationship between the Briton and the union, and from January 1 he will take the live exam.

The document titled “Draft EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement” was very difficult to come by: the British withdrew until 2020, and they have had a messy relationship with the federation since then, but now after December 31. It ended after he finally managed to make a fuss over the disputed points on Christmas Eve. Britain will eventually leave the single market and the European Union customs union, but in the meantime there will be no tariffs or quotas on the movement of goods between the UK and the EU.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson described the deal as a final fulfillment of the will of the British, who voted 52% in favor of Brexit in the 2016 referendum, according to Reuters, while EU leaders can feel victory because it essentially leaves the British but remains practically an economically integral part of the federation.

“It tested friendships, it divided families and our political life became fierce and sometimes dirty by Brexit,” wrote one of the brains of Brexit, Michael Gove, in an opinion in The Times on Saturday. “We can develop a new pattern of friendly cooperation with the EU, a special relationship that can exist between sovereign and equal parties,” Gove said.

Both parties will have an independent judge to review the deal, although it was not immediately clear which body would do this in Britain, which insisted that the European Union Court of Justice is free from all jurisdiction.

With regard to services, which account for almost 80 per cent of the British economy, the two parties have committed to “creating a favorable climate for the development of trade and investment between them.”

Regarding fishing rights, Johnson agreed for a period of 5 1/2 years to introduce new rules on what EU vessels can catch in British waters, followed by annual consultations on licenses and quotas for EU vessels.

Britain will no longer participate in organizations and forums such as Europol, Eurojust and SIS-II, although some cooperation will continue in the exchange of passenger information and DNA, fingerprints and vehicle registration data.

The text contains a number of detailed annexes, including rules of origin, fisheries, trade in wine, drugs, chemicals and cooperation on safety data.

EU states are now working to implement the convention by January 1 through an expedited procedure known as “provisional application.”

However, when publishing the treaty, the European Commission declared that the interim status would only be valid until the end of February, as final consent would still require the consent of the European Parliament, which is expected in the first weeks of 2021.
