With the support of the opposition, the parliament voted in favor of the emergency


With 180 votes in favor, one against and not on Tuesday, parliament voted in favor of a new version of the empowerment law that, like the spring, will allow government decrees passed during the emergency, even overwriting laws, remain in effect for more than two weeks. The difference is that now regulatory governance will be in effect for up to 90 days, after which a decision will have to be made to extend it again, until in the spring the opposition rejected the enabling law because it did not contain a time limit. However, the government side lifted the state of emergency in mid-June.

The opposition factions that now support the empowerment law emphasized that they had received a sufficient guarantee from the government in setting a deadline. It is true that the vote on the proposal is, in his opinion, more symbolic because the government, with a parliamentary majority of two-thirds, can pass anything through the legislature.

Gender is independent Sándor Székely voted, who justified it with the argument that in the spring the government abused its authority, took contradictory measures and wanted to deactivate the parliamentary control function.

Under the law he voted

  • it is not possible to hold provisional elections during an emergency, therefore parliamentary bodies cannot be dissolved,
  • neither can a referendum be started.

Viktor Orban The prime minister announced a further tightening on Monday due to the spread of the coronavirus on Monday.

  • There will be a curfew between 8 a.m. and 5 a.m., with the exception of going to work, returning from work or some kind of emergency (since then it has become clear that dog walking is also allowed),
  • all meetings are forbidden,
  • restaurants close, home delivery only, factory canteens may remain open,
  • shops, hair salons and small craft service providers close at 7 pm,
  • hotels cannot accept tourists, only business travelers,
  • a general ban on events will be introduced,
  • up to ten at family or private events,
  • weddings can only be celebrated without a wedding, only parents, siblings or witnesses can be present at civil and religious ceremonies,
  • up to 50 people can attend funerals,
  • Sports matches can be held behind closed doors.
  • Amateur team sports are also prohibited outdoors, the individual is allowed,
  • Leisure facilities will be closed, including zoos, museums, theaters, gyms, and indoor pools.
  • higher education can only work online, universities will also be closed,
  • Digital education will be introduced in secondary schools above the eighth grade, primary schools, kindergartens and nurseries will remain open.
  • Hospital workers, teachers, nurseries and kindergartens must undergo tests weekly in a specific way.

The detailed rules will be revealed in the Hungarian Gazette, but with the promulgation of the decree containing them, the government awaited the decision of the parliament.

Featured image: MTI / Balogh Zoltán
