With government decrees issued at night, medical care was completely transformed


That night more than half a dozen government decrees were published in the Hungarian Gazette, completely redesigning the map of the health system, Népszava warned.

According to a government decree, several previously independent hospitals in the capital and Pest county are classified into three centers.

  • First center: South Pest Central Hospital – Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Hospital and Outpatient Clinic for the National Institute of Hematology and Infectious Diseases, Jahn Ferenc South Pest Hospital and Outpatient Clinic, Péterfy Sándor Street Hospital and Outpatient Clinic, Toldy Ferenc Hospital and Toldy will belong to the Hospital and the Nagykőrös Clinic for Rehabilitation Specialists (Nagykőrös).
  • The second center will be the North Central Buda Center, the New St. John Hospital and Clinic. Only two institutions are listed here. One is St. Margaret Hospital, which was already one of St. John’s sites in a previous hospital merger, the newspaper recalls. The other institution listed here is the Visegrad Rehabilitation Institute.
  • Third Central Hospital: St. Imre University Hospital.

Although the Military Hospital was not included in the scope of the government decree on central hospitals, it was entrusted with the management of several large institutions in the capital, so in the future the Hospital Militar del Sándor Péterfy Calle Sándor and the hospital de la calle Uzsoki and Kistarcsa.

The head of the Military Hospital is still appointed by the Minister of Defense, but the management of the listed hospitals is partially guaranteed by shared rights and, on the other hand, professional supervision has been transferred exclusively to the General Director of the National Hospital, the newspaper writes .

Another government decree reduced the number of the previous dozen national institutes through mergers: in the future, the Haller Street Cardiology Institute, the Heim Pál Pediatric Institute, the Oncology and Korányi Institutes and the National Movement Organizations. and the National Institute of Mental, Neurological and Neurosurgery will be eligible.

While the National Institute of the Musculoskeletal System was established by merging the National Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy and the National Institute of Medical Rehabilitation, the National Institute of Neurosurgery (ideas would have created an institution with more than a thousand beds).

Népszava also points out that the financing rules have been adjusted to the new structure, so that as of January 1, health institutions can commit up to 5 million HUF in their own competition. Larger orders will be in charge of the General Directorate of the National Hospital.
