Why didn’t Marton and Presser take action against Eszenyi’s “terror”?


Serious words: why didn’t Marton and Presser take action against Eszenyi’s “terror”?

Áron Molnár, actor, spoke in unprecedented detail about his experiences at the Teatro de la Comedia, the harassment scandal that erupted around Enikő Eszenyi, and the physical and verbal abuse.

The guest on Márton Gulyás’ YouTube program, Partizán Pop, was actor and activist Áron Molnár, founder of the noÁr movement, Propeller wrote.

According to Áron Molnár, at the Comedy Theater he discovered for the first time that Enikő Eszenyi, as a director, put together incredibly exciting things, imagined a very intense and impulsive theater and then changed completely. “Cesarean section was performed, unpredictable, aggressive, brutal, both physically and verbally,” Áron Molnár recalled. According to his account, it happened that he dragged someone from one end of the stage to the other by the ear, and was that he hit one of the actors in the belly with a fist “to achieve the correct effect.”

Molnár complains that László Marton or Gábor Presser did not speak out against Eszenyi despite seeing how he behaved. According to Molnár, Eszenyi left the theater community in awe.


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