Why did the coronavirus epidemic break out in Hungary? Here is the teacher’s explanation.


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“In general, it is typical that in countries where the first wave was small, the second wave is always more serious,” Béla Merkely, rector of Semmelweis University, told Vasárnap.hu. It reminded us that we defended very well in the first wave. Everyone wondered why there are so few cases in Central and Eastern Europe. Because decisions that arrived on time appeared clearly and immediately on a social level, and we all took them very seriously, we comply with regulations. We have reduced the intensity of our social relationships by 60 to 90 percent.

“Obviously, this is a serious loss to our social selves and our lives, but we were able to do it, so we could practically stop the epidemic before it developed in Hungary,” he said.

As the number of diseases was not so high during the first wave, the appearance of the coronavirus after the first scare did not cause fear in the population

Merkely said.

In Italy, the situation is quite the opposite: there has been a very serious epidemic, so now they are much more disciplined. The second wave began later with them, and the number of diseases was less, since the population now disciplines the epidemiological rules. So it was not the virus that got stronger, but we became weaker here in Hungary – Merkely replied.

Hungarians are gradually starting to follow the rules again, he said. “It is not possible to close the country again, as was done at the time of the first wave of the epidemic. that “however, I continue to suggest that as many diseases as possible should be avoided, because it is never possible to know what immune reactions the virus can cause, regardless of age, in an individual.” That is to say the evolution of the virus can be serious and possibly fatal at any age, at the same time, it is true that this is much more common in the case of the elderly, he assumed.

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