Who is the woman who could be a more brutal dictator than Kim Jongun?


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I’m not sure of the exact age

Kim Jojong Kim Jongil and the third joint child of Ko Jonghi, born in Japan, and the fifth child of the late North Korean dictator, the youngest of them.

The exact time Kim Jojong was born is likely to be known only to members of his immediate family, but the public doesn’t know. According to US officials, the dictator’s daughter was born in 1989, while South Korean intelligence said in 1987, the only consensus is that the exact date could have been September 26.

He studied in Switzerland under a pseudonym

Like Kim Jongong, Kim Jojong also spent some years in Switzerland during his studies. He attended the Liebefeld-Steinhölzli public school with his siblings, took the pseudonym Pak Mihjang, while Kim Jongun mixed as Pak Chol. Kim Jojong spent a total of 4 years in Switzerland between 1996 and 2000, probably during that time a close fraternal bond developed between him and his brother.

By the way, she completed her university studies at Kim Ir Sen University in North Korea, where she also met her future husband, Zho Shong.

Previously, almost nothing appeared in public

Kim Jojong first appeared publicly on his father’s side in 2009, but in 2011, until Kim Jongil’s funeral, he had received almost no substantial attention from the local or global media. North Korean state media first mentioned Kim Jongong’s existence in 2014, when he accompanied his brother, Kim Jongong, to vote.

Essentially, for the first time this year, the dictator sister became the center of attention; After Kim Jongun disappeared for several weeks and rumors of his death began to circulate, Kim Jojong apparently took over a series of leadership roles in the country. He began threatening military action with South Korea and the United States, ordered the detonation of Keszong’s liaison office, and also led the latest propaganda campaign against his southern brotherhood.

He was the first North Korean leader to visit South Korea.

In 2018, North Korea officially participated in the Winter Olympics in South Korea, and the delegation also included Kim Jojong, making him the first member of the Kim dynasty to cross the demarcation line since the armistice of 1953. Kim Jojong met with Mun Janein, President of South Korea, and sat behind Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence, at the Games.

The border crossing was followed even in April of the year by his brother, who also shook hands with President Donald Trump on the demarcation line. Unfortunately, the great reconciliation process has come to an end this year, according to Kim Jojong.

He was sanctioned years ago for crimes against humanity

Many experts predict that if Kim Jojong comes to power, he will build a more brutal dictatorship in North Korea than any of his predecessors, and there were signs of this years ago.

In 2017, the dictator’s brother was sanctioned by the United States for crimes against humanity: he was accused of indirectly contributing to North Korea’s anti-human behavior by trying to disguise crimes committed by the state as head of the propaganda ministry.

Kim Jojong has been in charge of North Korea’s propaganda ministry (and even the internal security agencies, according to some sources) since 2015, and is largely responsible for shaping Kim Jongun’s personal cult and holding a series of spectacular state ceremonies.

Sources: Kiro7, MSN, SCMP, Wikipedia.

Cover image: Getty Images
