Whether or not, the State Audit Office has just harshly criticized SZFE


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

I’m interested

The State Audit issued this Tuesday a long and tumultuous announcement in which it stated that the University of Theater and Cinema had been “characterized by a series of recurring irregularities for about 10 years” and that it was openly campaigning for a change of model: “now that the University has therefore not, in order to guarantee the proper use of public funds and the protection of public property, it may be justified to consider carrying out the public tasks of the SZFE within a different organizational framework ”.

The speech was not really discussed, at the end of the announcement they refer to the fact that the deputy director Eszter Novák had half a sentence in the ATV on the transfer, but according to the university leaders resigned last week. repeated slides and guesses in the course of the ongoing campaign ”, which fail to show that“ the SAO did not provide a single factual finding to the university that would have established an infringement procedure, but was almost completely lacking in foreign regulations, documentation and descriptions of processes that are only mandatory for public institutions. “In their statement, they add that” becoming a private university gives you an exemption from these (and if there is an advantage in being a private university, it certainly is) “.

Mihály Babák, Mayor of Szarvas, will speak before the season-opening performance of the Szarvas Water Theater on June 14, 2019. Alongside him, Péter Fekete, Secretary of State for Culture (j), László Domokos, Chairman of the Audit of the State (b2) and Zoltán Seregi, director of the Jókai Theater in BékéscsabaPhoto: Rosta Tibor / MTI / MTVA

The SAO was also quick to respond to the response from the SZFE leaders, calling its “disclaimer and explanation” incomprehensible and linking the documentation from the three audits in recent years (2015; 2018; 2019). However, if we compare these reports a little more closely to the SAO’s current announcement text, we will find significant and eloquent differences.

The announcement calling for the resigned university leaders states: “To correct the irregularities revealed, the SAO made 11 proposals to the Rector of the SZFE, which consist of several sub-sections, from which the University management prepared a action plan consisting of 38 tasks. The implementation of this was evaluated by the SAO in the framework of an ex post audit completed in February 2018, during which it established that the University’s management completed only 4 of the 38 tasks undertaken in its action plan on time. The management system developed in SZFE still did not support the regular, transparent and responsible use of public funds ”.

However, the 2018 report says: “The rector of the University of Theater and Film Arts has completed four of the thirty-eight tasks set out in the action plan on time, nine on time and nine in part.” In other words, it is not the recipients of the communication, the democratically elected university leaders, who have failed, but the chancellor appointed by the government.

And somehow it was left out of the announcement that in addition to the Chancellor, the Ministry was also condemned by the SAO:

“EMMI completed one of the two tasks set out in its action plan on time and one did not. The EMMI Internal Audit Department did not audit the legality and efficiency of the management and operation of the University ”.

László Domokos, president of the State Audit Office and former Fidesz politician, talks, and Péter Polt, chief prosecutor, talks with former Fidesz politiciansPhoto: Zoltán Máthé

This is what the SZFE leaders who resigned due to the Vidnyánszky takeover write, “if anything were true of what the SAO conjectures suggested, we would not be happy to replace the officials of EMMI and ITM (former ministries of maintenance). At the end of the day, the question is legitimate: how could everyone who has been responsible for the legal operation have left all this in the last 10 years, when the SAO long ago highlighted the serious operational deficiencies? ”.

But, of course, they can add, “the real purpose of the wake-up call is to confirm in retrospect the need for a ‘model change’, which, although it could never be substantiated, is still explained by the government order.”

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