Where is the Hungarian vaccination plan?


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István Ujhelyi explained several times as a member of the PE Public Health Committee. made a request for data of public interest to the relevant ministries in this matter, but so far it has not received a substantive response from any party.

The opposition politician recalled that the prime minister had previously referred to the vaccination plan as a ready-made document, while a government body said it was still working on it, and the chief doctor described it as “very suspiciously dynamic.”

MSZP MEP also complained that Hungarian government leaders were not at the forefront of vaccination and did not set a good example.

He remembered politician Viktor Orbán’s statement that he would get the vaccine himself when it was his turn. In relation to this, Ujhelyi emphasized that without knowing who has a place in line, without knowing what they are ranking in, who decides at all on this issue.

István Ujhelyi also drew attention to the fact that, thanks to the European Union, there is a vaccine.

Top image: Researcher Zoltán Veréb opens a box containing the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines that arrived at the Department of Dermatology and Allergology of the Albert Szent-Györgyi Clinical Center of the University of Szeged on December 30, 2020. Source: MTI / Rosta Tibor
