When the coronavirus appeared in a nursing home in Budapest, the government communication machinery began


Not a week has passed since Mayor Gergely Karácsony announced that the coronavirus had appeared in a nursing home maintained in the capital. The government communication holds the Budapest leadership accountable, and Fidesz demands an official investigation.

Cecília Müller, national medical director, went to the Pesti út institution in person and, although she did not report any serious deficiencies, nor the investigation by the government office, according to Fidesz’s director of communications, István Hollik, the institution became a critical point due to the errors of the municipality of the capital.

This is not the first time that an infected person has been found in a nursing home in Hungary. For the first time, an infection measurement was taken at Castle Home in Nagymagocs after eight residents tested positive. Two days later, Müller succinctly said this at the operational staff briefing that action had been taken on the epidemiological shutdown, but “cannot provide information on the condition of the patients, as they are personal data.” Later, in Érd, the Hogar de San José, which maintained the Order of Mercy in Nursing, was also placed under epidemiological surveillance.

Compared to this, the fact that the operative tribe communicates much more actively in the case of the Pesti út household was also published on the official page of the crown on Thursday with the title: “More than 100 infected and five dead in a household of old people maintained by the municipality of the capital “.

But let’s see how we got here!

Friday, April 3It was not the operating tribe, but Gergely Karácsony said five residents of the Pesti út nursing home had been caught with coronavirus infection, and another 13 residents had been hospitalized with symptoms indicative of the infection. He said that at that time there were no workers or residents at the institution with symptoms, but the capital conducted 200 tests of its own resources among workers and residents who came into contact with those who produced the symptoms.

Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry / MTI / MTVA

He said that people who are hospitalized in nursing homes, not because of a coronavirus but for other reasons, often return to the institution without having undergone a coronavirus test. Therefore, he repeatedly asked the government to return with only a negative test. (The guide issued by Emmi on March 22 only requires a negative test as a condition if the person did not go directly to the hospital they would be moving to. If so, they cannot be denied re-entry, but must be isolated for 14 days.)

The ban on departures, admissions and visits to nursing homes had been in place for weeks, mandated by the operating tribe across the country.

Saturday, April 4Cecília Müller said the government office had ordered an inspection at the Pesti út house. Inmates were ordered to be quarantined, the building was disinfected, and elderly people with symptoms were brought to the hospital. He also reported on the 200 tests Christmas said the metropolitan government ordered.

Gergely christmas Photo: Facebook video

Tuesday, April 7Cecília Müller announced that the infection was detected in 53 nurses and 12 nurses, checking the entire house. Meanwhile, the epidemiological authority has instructed caregivers of nursing homes to take further action. Based on this, one person should be appointed at each institution to treat coronavirus infections and treat the epidemic. Disinfection should be intensified and alcoholic hand sanitizer should be dispensed in each room.

The medical director had already specifically asked the maintainers to “feel their responsibility and comply with the measures, decisions, decisions made by the public health authorities in all aspects up to the last point.”

Wednesday, April 8Information from the operating tribe revealed that four of the infected people on Pest Road had died. According to Müller, medical care in some nursing homes has been damaged, so there will be a mandatory and priority inspection in nursing homes. Cecília Müller warned that nursing homes are at risk, so the responsibility of those in charge of maintaining the institution has increased, and deficiencies must be remedied.

On this day, Origo published an article, which was later reviewed by MTI, about the fact that Christmas and the Budapest leadership had left two “coronavirus-filled nursing homes” in Budapest. In addition to Pesti út, they referred to the nursing home, Vilmos Vázsonyi de Terézváros, where the virus also appeared.

Meanwhile, the Fidesz-KDNP metropolitan faction also called for Christmas to take steps to protect residents. The representative Gábor Pintér said that the infection would not have spread if “the Metropolitan Municipality had complied with and implemented the instructions and guidelines issued by the authorities to local governments from the beginning. Know that no measures have been taken, not even in the last days, when it has already been possible to meet the infected. There have been serious omissions by Christmas, endangering the lives of nursing home residents and the health of the workers who care for them. “

The mayor was in the government seat that morning, signaling to the government that
workers and residents of nursing homes in the capital must be selected, regardless of the type of reservation they have.

“In this, they promised me that joint cooperation could develop, while I can honestly say that Minister Kásler was skeptical about the meaning of these.” he said in a direct speech tonight.

On the way home from Pesti, he said at an afternoon press conference that all precautions had been taken and strict rules had been introduced before it was mandatory. He said the public health department of the capital’s government office carried out inspections of various nursing homes on Wednesday and that everything was fine except for a temporary shortage of protective equipment. Where there was a shortage, it was replenished on Wednesday, he said.

Since then, the Municipality of Budapest has shared more details about this study, according to:

  • care and segregation for the elderly were found to be in order,
  • “It has been established that there are few nurses with a medical degree (because it is not a health care institution, but a social one), making it difficult to solve any medical case and care for the infected on the spot.”
  • “By implication, the labor shortage affects our institutions, as well as all the social institutions in the country. There are few of our institutions where there is a permanent doctor, we provide medical care for the number of hours required by law, “
  • “It was also discovered that more protective equipment would be needed to keep it available at all times. Both the capital and the institutions are constantly acquiring the necessary equipment for defense, for which there is a constant demand, the most commonly formulated: the FFP2 and 3 masks, protective clothing and rubber gloves, non-contact thermometer. The demand for these devices is so high that our permanent contracted providers cannot provide the required quantity on time, as is the case with all social and health institutions in the country. That is, they can only be delivered at a higher price. That is why the capital is making efforts, among others, we have resorted to the government, so far in vain. “

Thursday, April 9The operating tribe has announced that more than 100 infected people are already registered in their homes. “The investigations continue, I will go to the scene myself now because I think it is necessary to see if there is really intensive work that is preventing this spread,” he said, promising that through government offices more than 2 million surgical masks will be delivered. and three hundred thousand gloves to homes.

The Christmas Facebook post revealed that he, too, learned of the recent infections at the press conference, despite being promised at the government meeting on Wednesday that
“The capital will finally receive the information necessary for the defense of the operating tribe.” According to him, there is also a shortage of protective equipment, although “the capital has been working to obtain them until now, and has managed to obtain Plexiglas facial masks, for example, yesterday.”

Then, in the afternoon, images came from MTI and the government media about the chief doctor visiting the home, who, according to HírTV, found hygiene deficiencies. It was written, “It was a dramatic view of ambulances arriving at the Pest Road nursing home in a convoy, and it was shocking how the elderly patients were brought up in lines.” According to the Magyar Nemzet, Müller “asked the institution’s management to provide continuous medical care, since he had previously been informed that it was not provided in the institution.” Infected people who still show no symptoms were rushed to the hospital.

Müller CecíliaPhoto: NNK / MTI / MTVA

After the visit, Müller told MTI

He ordered the renewal of knowledge related to each job because he believes that in this situation it is absolutely necessary to revive the knowledge and adapt it to the current epidemiological situation.He added that he had previously experienced deficiencies in the field of health services. He also stipulated that those who stay at home must be constantly monitored with strict medical follow-up.

Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry / MTI / MTVA

Then István Hollik, Fidesz’s communications director, also spoke, demanding a very strict official investigation to find out what is the responsibility of the person responsible. According to him, it can be affirmed that the institution became a focal point, to which the errors of the local government also contributed.

He said that “the protection team did not arrive on time at the home for the elderly in Pest and therefore they were unable to protect the workers there, who have now also become infected.”

Photo: Zsolt Szigetváry / MTI / MTVA

According to Hollik, the Budapest Defense Committee, chaired by former Mayor Fidesz de Józsefváros, will certainly have a role in the investigation. Outside of it, most of the police, military and disaster management people sit on it.

According to the official Budapest coronavirus website, “In recent days a smear campaign based on lies and distortions has been launched in some of the government-affiliated media outlets in the Budapest retirement homes. This is especially vile and cynical when we all know it: the elderly, including patients needing care, are at particular risk. We have initiated three corrections regarding the false allegations. “

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