What’s open after 8pm, who can drive whom to work


If I have to leave home to work between 8:00 PM and 5:00 AM, what should I do?

A work exemption can be obtained, but this must be justified. The certificate must be issued by the employer. The required document can be downloaded here.

Can I take my partner and my family to work after 8 pm?
No, because the employer certificate only applies to the employee, so an alternative solution should be sought, such as public transportation.

Police officers patrolling Váci Street in Budapest on November 11, 2020, during the curfew imposed due to the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic.Source: MTI / Zoltán Máthé

What is the change in public transport after 8 pm

The Budapest Transport Center (BKK) will introduce changes to the schedule of night flights from Friday, full regulations have not yet been published, but some details can be read on its website from Wednesday. There will be some kind of condensation in the afternoon rush hours, between 3:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Exact details have not yet been provided. MÁV and the regional bus companies have not yet announced any changes to their night flights.

Except when I am working, when can I leave the house between 20:00 and 05:00?
According to the government decree: in case of a situation that threatens health, danger to life or serious damage, and for the purpose of protecting life. So of course you can go to a doctor in an emergency.

Is it possible to walk a dog after 8 pm?
Yes, but only up to 500 meters from the house.

How long will the dog runners be open?
According to the government decree, this is a municipal competence, so it is the municipality, not the government, who decides how long they can remain open.

Can you stay in restaurants?
Yes, but only to take away, it cannot be consumed in the building. However, restaurants must close at 7pm

Can it be consumed at work, school, hospital dining rooms?
Yes, but only and exclusively in those “normal” restaurants. Compliance with the minimum social distance rule of 1.5 meters is also mandatory in the arrangement of the tables.

Can pharmacies and gas stations stay open after 20 hours?
Yes, subject to the rule of social distance of at least 1.5 meters.

Is it possible to practice sports outdoors, individually?
Yes, but you only have to get home at 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. Competitive athletes, on the other hand, may go to practice or competition between 8 and 5 pm, but others cannot. However, competitive athletes, like employees, must be certified.

Are the ice rinks, swimming pools, gyms and sports facilities closed to everyone?
Competitive athletes are also an exception here, but others cannot enter.

Is it possible to have private or family meetings?
Yes, but up to 10 people. And guests cannot stay on the street between 20:00 and 5:00 am, in Hungarian: if the guest does not leave before 8:00 pm, they can do so next time at 5:00 am, so he has to sleep there.

Can you have a wedding? If so, the maximum number of participants?
A wedding yes, but not a wedding. It is not specified how many people can attend the wedding, but who. Only the head of the ceremony or the registrar, the spouses, the spouses ‘witnesses, the parents, the spouses’ grandparents, the spouses ‘siblings and the spouses’ children may be present at the marriage, others may not.

Can a funeral be held?
Yes, but up to 50 people can attend.

Can hotels receive guests?
Not tourists, but guests arriving for business, economic or educational reasons.

Is it possible to hold Christmas fairs?
No, the government decree makes it clear: Christmas fairs and all other cultural events are prohibited.

The empty street in the center of Deák Ferenc during the curfew imposed due to the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic, in Budapest, on November 11, 2020.Source: MTI / Zoltán Máthé

Is it possible to go to church?
The particular church determines whether or not it should hold worship services. However, the celebration of worship services should not conflict with the government decree, so if these events are to be held, the rules of social distance and the wearing of masks should also be observed in the churches. The Reformed Church has already indicated that no services are held during the period, but Catholics do so within strict limits.

Can you go to a hairdresser or beauty salon?
Yes, however at 7pm these should also be left out as they will be closed.

If someone violates the curfew rules more than once after 20 hours, can only one or more be punished?
Violation of the curfew can result in the imposition of a fine more than once in the course of an afternoon or evening if someone is on the street after 8 p.m. There are so many changes that a fine of between 5 and 150 thousand florins first, second, third, etc. however, the fine can be up to 200,000 HUF.

Who monitors compliance with curfew restrictions?
The police and the army. According to the Basic Law, only the police can punish, the task of the army is to help in the work of the police.

How long do the exit restrictions last?
Under government decree until December 11, 2020.

Is it possible for them to spread after that?
Yes, it obviously depends on the current epidemic situation.
