What will life be like from today?


As of Monday, March 8, due to the third wave of the coronavirus, new rules will take effect. Now we show you how life is changing starting today.

Where to wear a mask from now on?

  • In public or in public places, everyone is obliged to maintain social contact with other people, except those who live in the common home, to a minimum and to keep at least 1.5 meters away from the other person.
  • In all settlements it will be mandatory to wear a mask on the street, it can be a medical mask, a safety mask, a mask made of textile or other material, care must also be taken to ensure that it constantly covers the nose and throat. mouth. .
  • Then the traditional masks that have been used so far will suffice. The exceptions to the obligation to wear masks are those under the age of six and those with intellectual or psychosocial disabilities or autism spectrum disorders.
  • Until now, the subject of mask use has been regulated by local governments, so the extent to which this means tightening varies territorially, but so far the general regulation of mask use has been typical.
The obligation to wear a mask will be even stricter from MondayPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

Is it possible to play sports and, if so, where?

It is still possible to play sports outdoors, but only with those who live in a home, one and a half meters from others. You do not need to wear a mask during individual sports activities.

What stores will remain open?

Under today’s regulation

  • a grocery store that sells everyday consumer products,
  • perfumeries, drugstores, household cleaning products, chemicals and sanitary paper products,
  • a shop for the sale of materials and equipment essential for the performance of jobs, professional duties, economic, agricultural and forestry activities (in particular, a shop for the sale of vehicles, machinery, spare parts, materials and construction equipment),
  • the pet food and feed business,
  • agricultural business, including the fertilizer and slaughterhouse business,
  • gardening supplies, nursery,
  • the market, the local producers market,
  • pharmacies, veterinary pharmacy,
  • the gas station,
  • the national cigar store and
  • the newspaper.

Thus, in addition to gas stations and grocery stores, tobacco shops, markets and pet stores will also remain open. Stores that sell building materials may also be open, but units that sell appliances and electronics may not be open.

The decree also includes the opening of florists on March 8, the day on which florists will be able to operate without restriction during opening hours, but as of March 9 they must also close for two weeks.

Take away food is still allowed.

An important part of the stores will also be open from Monday.Photo: Sándor Csudai – Origo

What stores are closing?

  • All stores in shopping centers where clothing or technical items or other non-subsistence goods can be purchased. In other words, only grocery stores, post offices, and private healthcare providers will remain open in shopping malls.

What services can be used?

Private health services (including eyewear stores), post offices, lotteries will remain open (as mentioned) and the following services will remain open:

  • transport services (i.e. taxis, buses, trains will of course continue to operate),
  • parcel services,
  • food delivery at home,
  • social services,
  • vehicle service, agricultural and industrial machinery service, appliance service, construction services,
  • IT, communication device repair service,
  • the funeral,
  • the veterinary service,
  • veterinary, phytosanitary, food analysis laboratories,
  • food processing service,
  • catering,
  • animal husbandry,
  • law firms,
  • Security companies,
  • building management and office services,
  • vehicle rental and car rental,
  • the laundries.
Restaurants and seats will remain closedPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

What about schools and kindergartens?

Primary schools and kindergartens are closing, shifting to digital education (this has been the case in secondary schools and universities until now). However, childcare will be available at the request of the municipalities. Adult education does not continue either.

The nurseries remain open; however, as children are not required to attend daycare, parents who are able to do so can, of course, stay home with the child.

What should I do if I work in the public administration?

Most civil service employees can work from home. The exceptions to this are jobs that are important to the defense.

According to the regulation, “work may be ordered at work to those involved in the control of a pandemic coronavirus and to those whose nature of the work to be carried out does not allow them to work in their place of residence or stay.”

You can also go to the offices from Monday to workPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

What is the penalty for not following the rules?

If the police find a store that is open illegally, they can impose a fine of 100,000 to 1,000,000 guilders, closing the stores for up to one year.

Anyone who violates epidemiological rules (for example, does not wear a mask) commits a crime can be fined between HUF 5,000 and HUF 500,000, with a maximum fine of HUF 150,000 in the case of an on-site fine and HUF 200,000. in the case of multiple violations.
