What symptoms indicate that the coronavirus infection has worsened?


How to prepare for a possible illness?

According to Kovidok, one of the most important tools is the thermometer, which can be traditional or even digital. This not only allows to determine if someone has a fever, but also recognizes in time if the patient’s condition is deteriorating. Of the remedies, antipyretics are paramount, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen, metamizole, and aspirin, which can help treat milder symptoms at home.

In addition to the thermometer and medications, a pulse oximeter can also come in handy, as this device displays your blood oxygen levels, and at most e-commerce sites or pharmacies, the basic version is now very cheap. A blood pressure monitor is also a device that many people do not have at home, but it is worth getting. Of these, the mid-arm blood pressure monitors are the most reliable.

It is also good to be prepared for the possibility that someone will be forced to stay home for an extended period due to an infection. For this, it is important to have a sufficient quantity of durable food, soap, hand sanitizer and plastic garbage bags at home, as well as masks and rubber gloves if you have more at home, since replacing them is also extremely important.

Part of preparing for illness is having a contact person, family member, or acquaintance on hand who can go to the pharmacy or shop if necessary. Keep your phone number, ID card, and ID card in one easy-to-find place.

You may want to write a list that includes the following items:

  • Medications taken
  • Known diseases
  • Previous surgeries,
  • Known drug allergies,
  • Next of kin to be notified.

What to do if you contract the coronavirus?

Kovidők emphasizes the need for continuous patient monitoring in all cases and also to keep in contact with the GP. A patient living in an apartment with more than one person must be isolated. However, he not only has to quarantine him, but also those who live with him.

Therefore, they should by no means go shopping for the patient, as they are also subject to the quarantine rules. If you need something, ask a neighbor, relative, or acquaintance to get it, but most food and household items can also be obtained extremely quickly over the Internet.

Also, your GP should be seen immediately if a person suspected of having a coronavirus has immune weakness, severe lung disease, or severe cardiovascular disease.

Although coronavirus infection can only be confirmed by testing, there are symptoms that also indicate the disease. These include loss or alteration of smell and taste perception, high fever, malaise, dry cough, headache, rapid heartbeat, skin tenderness, joint pain, pronounced fatigue, and decreased physical activity.

IllustrationPhoto: Sándor Csudai – Origo

The patient, if the symptoms are not severe, be sure to get plenty of rest, pay attention to adequate fluid intake and regular meals. For the latter, it is worth choosing easily digestible foods. In case of mild symptoms, Kovidid also recommends the use of antipyretics to improve the patient’s well-being, which can be taken every 4-6 hours, but preferably with food.

However, it is forbidden to take several antipyretics and painkillers at the same time, because it leads to an overdose!

If the fever is persistently high (over 39 degrees) despite the antipyretic, the patient’s back and chest should be wrapped in a warm towel. The procedure called cooling compression should continue until the patient’s body temperature drops one degree or falls below 38 ° C. Frequent ventilation is also essential, as cool, humid air reduces the sensation of shortness of breath.

If the patient’s condition worsens, there are some symptoms that may indicate an emergency. These include an increase in shortness of breath at rest, a drop in blood oxygen levels below 94 percent, or a 2 percent drop in 24 hours, or a 4 percent drop in 3 days. It is also a warning sign if the systolic blood pressure falls below a hundred (this is the first value on the sphygmomanometer).

Not only medical devices, but also observation can help detect warning signs, as altered consciousness in a patient may indicate a serious condition. Uncontrollable diarrhea, chest pain, and vomiting also indicate serious illness. The doctor should be called urgently even in cases where the patient’s condition appears to be significantly deteriorating, his face or lips are purple, he spits blood, or he has had a high fever for a third day, which they cannot control at home.

How to protect those who live with the patient?

If possible, the patient should be isolated in a separate room, even if they are not shown to be infected but are suspected of being. Always keep the bedroom door closed and ventilate frequently. Make sure the patient wears a mask and does not come in contact with people who live in a household. If the patient does not have their own bathroom and sink, make sure these rooms are used the last time, as this will require disinfection of the room.

It is also necessary to separate the objects that the patient uses. Also have a separate plate, towel, silverware, hand towel, and bedding. After use, the patient’s plate, glass and cutlery should be thoroughly washed with warm water, gloves (!) And dried with a separate kitchen towel.

IllustrationSource: AFP / SPL

The patient’s clothes, bedding, towels, tea towels should be washed at least 60 ° C, separately from the clothes of family members, with normal detergent. Clothes should be dried in the sun or in a dryer at the highest possible temperature and then ironed. All waste that the patient has come in contact with (eg, food scraps, used tissues, masks) should be disposed of in a plastic garbage bag and the bag should be sealed and then placed in a second bag trash and placed in the home. trash can.

Those who care for the patient or live with him in a home should also wear masks and gloves. Also regularly sanitize various surfaces, such as switches and handles. These can be disinfected with warm soapy water, but it is even better to use an alcohol disinfectant and a household disinfectant.
