What never to say to a teenager: common but very harmful prayers – Child


Children’s lives are highly influenced by the pattern of parents: as long as they are young, their mother and father are their role models, and the way they behave will affect their later lives as well.

That is why a well-intentioned comment or criticism or, conversely, in an elevated emotional mood can undermine not only healthier self-confidence, but also the mother-child relationship.

Phrases that should not be said to girls

Girls are inherently more socially sensitive than boys, and in adolescence their brains function differently from adults, in which case a serious psychological change is observed. Hormones rage in them and they are much more sensitive to outside influences, reprimand, praise, criticism or even rejection, so it is important how a parent approaches a topic and what not to tell them. absolutely.


“I see you are tightening these pants, haven’t you picked them up?”

Since an adolescent’s weight gain can later have a negative effect not only on her health, but also on her positive self-image and confidence, no matter how parents communicate this issue to her. If you say, “I see you are grabbing these pants, haven’t you picked them up?” She suggests that she is obese, so don’t be surprised if the teenager pounding on the door behind her pouting and getting offended and not talking to her for a week.

Sentences must be chosen with tact and care in such cases, but above all, the parent and the child must work together to change this situation. She eats healthy foods, but your mom can also invite her to a shared Zumba or jogging class.

The article continues after the recommender.

It is important that parents can reinforce a healthy body image in their adolescent. This can be achieved mainly if the mother is not dissatisfied with her own figure: if her daughter always sees that she complains about her appearance, it will also be natural that she is dissatisfied with herself.

“You won’t get up from the table until you’ve eaten everything!” Exclamation marks that start without result are effective because the child is eating even if he is not hungry, which sooner or later can result in extra pounds.

“And do you like someone from school?”

With this question, anyone can be expelled from the world. If a man’s daughter has an emerging relationship that may even turn serious, she will report it herself. If a parent or relatives are constantly questioning, this not only destroys their self-confidence, it also makes it harder to open up to a child later on.


“Leave it, then your brother will, he’s better at it”

No child likes to underestimate his abilities or to be compared to the “perfect” firstborn. Even if you are not a real world person, or have not invented male housework like assembling furniture or tiles, why not give it a try? The father must support what interests him, whether it is an area that remains the field of men according to social expectations. Instead, it’s worth telling you that with enough determination and will, you can do anything.

Parents who have described why they hate their own child

When all parenting methods fail, the parents have not slept in days and the child only cries and hisses, many people break the thread and have thoughts in them that they dare not share with society.

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