Weekly Week editor-in-chief revealed when he wanted to censor the show on RTL Klub


Twenty-one years after the start of Weekly Week, and three years after its end, Partizan has seated the five former stars of the show at a table. Judit Hernádi, János Givelölgyi, András Hajós, Havas henrik and Question László next to the sixth György Ónódi, sat the program’s editor-in-chief, who Márton Gulyás The presenter also asked how many times and to what extent the RTL Club wanted to have a voice in what could be broadcast during the Weekly Week.

Goulash in your question Attila Arpa He referred to his book, who, as the channel’s producer at the time, proposed to Ónódi in 1999 to launch his own public entertainment program on the German model. Barley wrote that Weekly Week became more and more popular, more and more people wanted to sit inside the RTL Club to receive the new broadcasts, and several requests were regularly received about the jokes and topics.

Ónódi, on the other hand, stated in the Partizán program that he wanted to cut something from the channel only once in the eighteen-year history of the program. Peter Kolosi program director. Nor was it a political issue: on the occasion of World Day of the Hearing Impaired, he recorded and cut one of the broadcasts accompanied by an Onnod sign language interpreter, while Kolosi wanted to cut the signal. Citing the lack of time alone, he refused, and in the end they didn’t even change the program.

The full Partizan show can be seen on YouTube.
