Weber responded to Orban: Christian Democratic politics is not based on the demolition of democracy and the rule of law, nor on selfishness.


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Viktor Orbán’s policy, The Wrong Way, was published by the conservative German Sunday newspaper Welt am Sonntag by Manfred Weber, leader of the European People’s Party (EPP) faction in the European Parliament (EP), in connection with an interview with the Hungarian Prime Minister in the previous issue of the newspaper a week ago.

The German politician’s response is reviewed by the MTI and, according to his summary, Weber explained that 2021 will be the year of the beginning of a great change for his party, the Bavarian Christian Social Union (CSU), the sister Christian Democratic Union (CDU). ) and other PPE Christian Democrats and Christian Socialists.

As he wrote, the void created by the departure of German Chancellor and former CDU president Angela Merkel must be filled and, above all, the political agenda must be addressed with a leadership challenge, the magnitude of which is twelve months ago. and that the future of the economy will depend on medical innovation.

He stressed that the profound economic and social transformation cannot be overcome by the “national-populist” political approach or the “cultural field” promoted by Viktor Orbán.

Rather, the example of Konrad Adenauer, Franz Josef Strauss and Helmut Kohl should be followed. They represented a political conception that did not deepen divisions, but crossed trenches and prejudices, in building relationships with Germany’s neighbors by building a “common European house” and in society trying to create a majority in between, added.

He explained that “some heads of government” make European Union decisions unreliable for quick success, although they have often contributed to them. Anyone who equates the EU with “the authoritarian regime of the Soviet communists” wants to “destroy the Europe built by Helmut Kohl’s political generation,” he added, emphasizing that strong nation states and a strong Europe are not contradictions but a peaceful Europe. . requirement.

Manfred Weber called the accusation that the EP overestimated its role absurd. As he wrote, the future is not in unanimity, and therefore in the decision-making of the Council, which also has the possibility of a “blockade”, but in majority decisions, for example in the freely elected EP.

Anyone who makes the “necessary compromises” with the Social Democrats and Liberals as a betrayal of conservative values ​​actually wants a coalition with “radicals like the AfD, Wilders or Le Pen,” and the CDU / CSU refuses to do so, he added.

He also wrote that Christian values ​​are defined by Scripture and the churches, not by those who “claim to be the savior of the West,” and that Christian Democrats focus on freedom, solidarity, subsidiarity, and God before God. responsibility and not the dismantling of democracy and the rule of law or selfishness. Therefore, the independence of the judiciary, freedom of the press, freedom of religion and equality between women and men cannot be negotiated.

He added, among other things, that the new rule of law mechanism is a “milestone” for the EU and a “great success” for the EPP because “finally” the sanctions ensure that these fundamental values ​​are respected.

He stressed that the EU was not a “dairy cow” providing subsidies, but a “community of destiny and values” in which human dignity was the highest value. At the same time, the protection of the external border is essential, and Hungary has demonstrated this through the construction of the border fence, as well as the governments of Greece and Croatia led by the PPE forces, to increase the financial support of the agency of EU border and coast protection, Frontex, for which the EPP fought. WHO.

In the context of the coronavirus epidemic, climate change and digitization, he explained, among other things, that the demolition of the rule of law, nationalism and division cannot be addressed. The 1920s can only be a good decade through a political conception of community spirit and forces, and it is “more than questionable” that Viktor Orbán’s “political exclusionary approach” can contribute to this, wrote Manfred Weber, adding that the EPP should you have to decide on this.

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