We will relaunch the Hungarian economy and take better measures to protect employment.


The refrigeration has been announced by the announcement of important economic changes related to the legal situation. Among these, it should be noted that Hungary’s gradual return to the usual round will start from May 4, which also means that the economy may start to function in more and more sectors. This week’s announcement will be made in support of the work promised by the law, as well as other measures that will ease pressure on companies. Production has resumed in several large Hungarian factories, and new investments have been made. Weekly economic summary.

The Hungarian economy will start again from the beginning.

From the beginning, the system will return to normal, companies and services jranyitsa. First of all, the floor area is smaller than the square meter, currently closed stores can be reopened. All this also means that restriction restriction rules are returned in a light order to the various products and services.

At the same time, the restart must be restarted according to a strict schedule, which takes place gradually in different areas. in the state of government,Still in effect in Budapest and Pest County for nowrestrictions For more information on the current 4, see the article in detail.

Provisions are the main rules. (click this article for more details):

  • It will remain in place for the protection of those over 65 years, lasting 9 to 12 days per week; however, the opening of restrictions on opening hours was
  • It will be mandatory to maintain a distance of 1.5 meters and wear a mask in stores and on public transport.
  • It is allowed to stay in rooms, such as corridors, squares, confectioneries, buffets, presses, in the garden area or on the terrace, and to consume the ordered food or drink, but it is prohibited to stay inside the guest shop, except for employees there. publication and transportation of a parcel of land suitable for disposal).
  • In the places of the guests, the protection must be observed table by table.
  • Since the decree became effective on September 1, 2020, the customer’s business operator does not have to pay the utility fee after the store’s terrace is open to the public.
  • In the countryside, you can open the beaches, as well as the outdoor pool, open-air museums, and zoos.
  • Settlement markets must be kept open and the market must be open to requests for over 65 years from municipal governments; While the market is open, a visit must be made during which only those over 65 can visit the market.
  • It is a ceremony of a religious community, subject to restrictions in the celebration of events, and can be celebrated in civil marriages and cemeteries.
  • According to the government decree published in the week, the office also has the opportunity to provide childcare, helping the worker return to work.
  • In addition, digital education will be maintained outside the classroom and decisions will be made on the situation in June.

This is the main area of ​​the second stage of the economic action plan.

The second phase of the economic action plan due to the law covers the main area,

  • to the workplace,
  • employment creation,
  • strengthening priority sectors,
  • for business financing,
  • focus on protecting families and retirees.

Lszl Gyrgy, Secretary of State for Economic Strategy and Regulation of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), also explained in a video conference that the resources available for measures in this area will be between HUF 9,000-10,000 billion between 2020-2022, Percenta .

Gradual resumption in Hungary: businesses can open, support for health and safety expandsFot: Csudai Sndor – Origo

The Secretary of State also announced that the implementation of the economic protection action plan had led to a social debate among Hungarian companies with the effectiveness of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), which comprise 97 employees, with a budget of 50 million forints.

Outside of occupational safety and health support, adcskkents jn

Following the government’s decision, the occupational safety and health support system introduced earlier. If the employee agrees not to terminate the employee’s employment, the time off from working hours can vary from 15 to 75 hours, that is, his part-time job can be up to 2 days a day, assuming 8 hours of original work. If your reduced job does not meet your pre-shift employment, a single development time will be recommended.

Under the change, employees whose part-time job is less than 50 employees can receive support in excess of 100,000 HUF per month and one at a time. If your part-time job does not exceed 50 units, the aid amount will remain at a maximum of 75,000 HUF. Starting April 29, a new modified one-page form is available on the munka.hu website, which must be completed by the employee and the employee. Modifications should also be applied in the process.

Finance Minister Mihly VargaSource: MTI / Mnus Mrton

Mihly Varga, Minister of Finance, spoke about the relevant bill that the Socialist Contribution will reduce by 2 percentage points from July 1. That is more than 300,000 companies and millions of employees. The finance minister also said that if the economy were to pull away from the company, the full exemption from the company could go to reinvested earnings. The current bill ensures that the amount of development reserves can be deducted from pre-tax profit. In this article, Origo introduces detailed sabers.

Mr more than 500 cg claimed labor protection

ErrlBod Sndor, the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), spoke to MTI as Secretary of State for Employment Policy and said that so far more than half a thousand companies and nearly a thousand workers have been able to support the general support program launched in the Economic Action Plan. and support Small and medium-sized companies are the most active, but large companies have also expressed interest in support.

Support has been extended, you can claim it for television work at home, for those employees within the work time frame, and also in the case of a changed workforce, Bod Sndor emphasized.

They continue to have their retail business

In the Hungarian tax model, it is not the population that bears the burden of balanced and favorable measures, but the actors who can do it, who have made outstanding profits in the period before the right, have a significant market share. This is also confirmed by the calculation of the Ministry of Finance in the retail market, according to which more than 35 thousand companies carry out such activities, but only two thousand cg are paid by the company, and the administrative burden of advertising revenue is assumed by only two of them. According to the Ministry’s proposal for a law on retail sales, the value of the customer, to be calculated on the basis of net net sales, ranges from HUF 0.1 billion to HUF 0.3 billion, and HUF 2.5 billion to HUF 30 billion millions. it will.

IllusztrciFot: Csudai Sndor – Origo

The MNB launched more large-scale programs because of the law

The monetary decision is based on the details of the lamp paper replacement and the signaling letter replacement program, which are intended to prevent multiple transmission costs and manage the economic and financial risks associated with the operation. Both programs will begin on May 4 and continue until economic and financial developments due to a coronary heart disease order. With the change in the instrument, the MNB increased its scope for monetary policy maneuver, ensuring that it continues to provide rapid and necessary responses to extraordinary challenges in all markets.

Production has started at Mercedes-Benz and Audi gyrai.

After a several-week break caused by law, Mercedes-Benz gradually resumed production at the Kecskemét factory from April 28, 2020. During the gradual start-up, work will be done in a single shift and then in a two shift work schedule. The main objective of the company is to preserve the health of its employees even after the resumption of production, therefore, good hygiene and prevention measures have been introduced for the protection of colleagues, the details of which are given in Origo. in this article.

Production will resume at the Kecskemét factory in accordance with good safety standards.Source: Doubt Szilard

At Audi Hungaria Zrt., The vehicle, bodywork, paint shop and vehicle installation started again in one shift. First, 2,000 people started working in the auto industry, and about 1,000 of the 12,000 to 800 employees started working for the company. At the engine factory, production resumed on the Prilis 14 with the production of six-cylinder petrol engines, to which a six-cylinder and four-cylinder engine line were connected on the Prilis 20.

A worker removes a plastic sheet to protect against coronary heart injury from the trunk and passenger compartment of a car, after installing the wheels at the Audi Hungaria Motor Kft factory. April 27, 2020.Source: MTI / Csaba Krizsn

Better Hungarian embargoes announced

Flisom is the manufacturer of solar panels in Kecskemten, announced the Minister of Economy and Finance, Pter Szijjrt. The company uses state-of-the-art piping technology and will create 140 new jobs, which may soon grow multiple times. At the Kecskemét factory, traditional solar panels will replace 98 units lighter than the main ones. High value added creates jobs for investment, the Hungarian government will provide non-reimbursable cash support of HUF 3.5 billion. The minister said the Swiss administration plans to increase capacity during the week.

At the Szijjrt Pter level, it announced a best investment for the week: Unilever Magyarorszg Kft. It is investing HUF 15 million in the production of household chemicals. At the regional production center, the company sells 20 million Hungarians and third countries. Unilever’s national products: The market leader considers the fourth major investment in the country in two weeks to be a sign of confidence in the Hungarian economy.

Booking.com received a record deal

The Hungarian Competition Authority (GVH) set a price of HUF 2.5 million for the operation of Booking.com’s online hotel booking portal. The Competition Authority justified its decision alleging that Booking.com B.V. It had an unfair business practice with consumers by, among other things, misleadingly advertising some of its destinations with the possibility of free cancellation. The details of the official decision, conviction and record amount of punishment are described in detail in this article on Origo.hu.

The GVH has set a price of HUF 2.5 million for Booking.comSource: ANP / AFP / Lex Van Lieshout

An important hrek is the Hungarian agrriumbl

The payment of rural development subsidies did not stop, and the state treasury transferred approximately 628 billion HUF to farmers in relation to the winning plots. Thanks to restrictions introduced by the agricultural sector, investments in the agri-food industry have so far been saved until 1980, and in many cases the parties have requested an extension of the national border. According to data published by the Minister of Agriculture, István Nagy, the largest portion, around 164 billion HUF, is made up of payments from the Agricultural Environmental Management Program.

Agriculture Minister István Nagy will make an online press release on the fight against coronary infection on April 14, 2020Source: MTI / Mti Fotszerkesztsg / Kormany.Hu

István Nagy also explained that the government will help agricultural and food companies with a total of HUF 25 billion to overcome the economic difficulties caused by the coronary virus. The Minister said that the Ministry of Agriculture had developed the National Food Management Program as part of the Economic Protection Action Plan, under which, in the form of non-reimbursable support, this additional source would be provided to companies in difficult situations due to coronary heart disease.

Fire is known to change from known drugs

From 1 onward, highly active ingredients are required that increase the risk of safe daily drinking. The change is for medications that contain 600, 800 mg of ibibuprofen and 300 mg of dexibuprofen. For details and a list of affected items, see this article.

risi is your interest in Dikhitel Plus

At the beginning of May 1, thousands of graduate students on the last day of the Dikhitel Center applied for a completely free, interest-free Dikhitel Plus with a maximum of one million forints. Retroactive payment.

Production also started at the largest European VW company

On the basis of sales to the world’s number one automaker, Volkswagen began production on the Wolfsburg ring road, which is the largest on the continent. At the company level, it announced that good hygiene measures had been taken to prevent the spread of the disease. It had a total of eight thousand employees in the Wolfsburg ring road. According to the calculations, 1,400 aid will be assembled in the first week, and in the next week this number will be close to six thousand.
