We show the drugs from which Donald Trump quickly recovered from the coronavirus


In early October, Donald Trump was hospitalized for a coronavirus infection, where he even received an oxygen mask. In the early days, there was conflicting news about the status of the president of the United States, which shocked the world public. But the politician quickly recovered thanks to various medications, and a few days later he left the health center treating him. The case shows that doctors are much more prepared for the epidemic now in the fall than in the spring, there are already drugs that can help fight the coronavirus.

US President Donald Trump contracted the virus in early October, was hospitalized for a short time and even had to wear an oxygen mask, but recovered quickly after that. As one of the most powerful leaders in the world, the international public has followed events with concern. It is worth seeing what drugs the president of the US received or what therapy he received.


The first press reports were that Trump was being treated with a drug called Remdesivir. It should be noted that it was originally developed to treat Ebola and Marburg virus infections. The remedy is not entirely new, as experts have spoken of it as a promising antidote even at the start of the epidemic.

As early as February, research on a drug developed by an American biotech company called Gilead Sciences was well advanced. The drug, as it is said, inhibits the synthesis of ribonucleic acids necessary for the growth of RNA viruses. The drug for intravenous administration has a wide spectrum of antiviral properties. Previous experiments with Remdesivir in animals (mice, monkeys) were very successful. Then a 35-year-old American coronavirus patient was handed over to him – the man’s condition showed dramatic improvement after the injection, and he finally left the hospital cured.

US Republican President Donald Trump Recovers from Coronavirus, Now in Full EffectSource: MTI / AP / Alex Brandon

After the National Institutes of Health (NIH) began testing Remdesivir, Gilead began manufacturing the drug in larger quantities. The result was that, according to a study published in April, patients treated in this way can achieve rapid improvement. It was then approved in the European Union: In August, the European Commission agreed with Gilead to make it available to patients in the European Union and the United Kingdom in the coming months. This made Remdesivir the first approved antiviral treatment for coronavirus in Europe. THE The agent is mainly good for treating more severe viral patients, that is, for alleviating their symptoms.

Not a panacea, experts say

However, experts warn everyone not to view the product as a spell. According to the latest resolution of the World Health Organization (WHO), remdesivir is ineffective. At the same time, the Hungarian version is used in three Semmelweis University clinics.


In addition to Remdesivir, Trump also received a cocktail of antibodies produced by a biotech company called Regeneron. Based on the test results, an antibody preparation for the treatment of patients with coronavirus appears to be effective: it reduces the presence of the virus in the body of patients and relieves symptoms.

Regeneron achieved the greatest improvement in patients whose bodies did not respond to the virus with an adequate natural immune response. The company claimed, citing a study, that the number of medical visits needed had decreased among drug-using patients who survived the disease with mild symptoms and none of the test subjects were hospitalized.

By the way, the US President received more than three times the recommended dose (2.4 milligrams) (the 8 milligram infusion). The preparation is essentially a “cocktail”: in it, one antibody comes from a person who has already recovered from a coronavirus infection and the other antibody has been collected from a mouse. The mixture of the two antibodies attacks the coronavirus protein responsible for the development of the disease.

Our picture illustrationSource: AFP / Andrew Caballero-Reynolds

Dexamethasone steroid

In addition, the steroid dexamethasone was used. The steroid is generally in a more serious condition coronavirus patients, so presumably it was administered to the President of the United States as a precautionary measure.

The drug has been tried in several hospitals since the outbreak, and in the UK they were initially able to show serious results: the risk of death in ventilators was seen to decrease from 40% to 28% and in patients requiring oxygen from 25% to 20%. Since then, the perception of medicine in professional circles has been mixed, however

Donald Trump helped her recovery dramatically.

As usual with steroids, such as dexamethasone: damages the immune system, It can reduce the strength of the body’s immune response.


In addition to the three above drugs, as the US president’s doctor said in a statement on October 2, the politician also received zinc, vitamin D, melatonin, aspirin and famotidine. However, there is no information on whether Donald Trump took them before he became ill.

It is clear, then, that over time, doctors are gaining more and more experience and fighting the coronavirus more effectively.
