We need brotherhood more than ever


We need brotherhood more than ever, Pope Francis said in a virtual Christmas message on Friday, recalling the ecological crisis and economic and social inequalities exacerbated by the pandemic.

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Catholic archbishop delivered his message in a so-called room of blessings behind the glass doors of the loggia instead of the central loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica, and the traditional Urbi et Orbi blessing (city and world) that the world could follow the video live. .

The Pope emphasized, among other things, that vaccination against the Covid-19 disease caused by the new coronavirus must be available to everyone, especially the most vulnerable groups.

Pope FranciscoSource: shutterstock.com/AM113

Renew the Son of God in political and government leaders in a spirit of international cooperation, with health care at the forefront so that everyone receives vaccines and treatment. Faced with a challenge that knows no borders, we cannot build walls. We all row in the same boat. said the pope, that He prayed for those affected by the coronavirus pandemic, including women who suffered domestic violence due to the quarantine.Pope Francis commemorated the victims of the wars and those living in the areas affected by the crisis, and called for peace and a ceasefire in many countries of the world, including Syria, Libya, Yemen, Nagorno-Karabakh, South Sudan. , Nigeria and Iraq, and Palsa.

The Pope also spoke about the difficulties of family encounters amid the epidemic.
My thoughts at the moment are moving to families, to those who cannot reunite now because they need to stay home. – He said. “May Christmas be an opportunity for all of us to rediscover the family as the cradle of life and faith, source of inclusive love, dialogue, forgiveness, fraternal solidarity and shared joy, the peace of all humanity, ”he said before pleasing. wished everyone Christmas.

Due to the coronavirus epidemic in Italy, there is a national quarantine during the Christmas and New Year holidays, so the Square and St. Peter’s Basilica cannot be visited during papal rites either.
