We have the first person in the world with a fortune of thousands of dollars.


Comparisun anticipates that if Bezos’ wealth grows at this rate in the future, he could be the first man with $ 1 billion in wealth by 2026, at the age of 62.

In the past 5 years, Jeff Bezos’ assets have grown by an average of 34%, despite handing over a significant portion of Amazon’s shares, $ 38 billion, to his ex-wife through a divorce.

Assuming that the growth rate of wealth observed in recent years is maintained, Bezos may already have $ 1 trillion in assets by 2026.

Comparisum examined the wealth of the world’s 25 richest people today and found that only 11 have a realistic chance of reaching $ 1 trillion in wealth in their lifetime. While Bezos may be the first, Facebook leader Mark Zuckerberg will be the youngest billionaire to reach that level in 2036, at the age of 51.

Source: Comparisun.com

Importantly, Comparisun used Forbes ‘multi-million dollar list to map Bezos’ personal assets, but absorbed the September data, so he did not consider how much Bezos’s assets have grown since then, especially since the outbreak of the epidemic. of coronavirus.

According to Bloomberg, Bezos currently has around $ 138 billion in assets, up from more than $ 28 billion so far this year.

Cover image: Getty Images
