We do not know what condition Michael Schumacher has been in for seven years


Seven years on December 29, 2013 Michael Scumacher In Méribel, France, the virgin wanted to slide down two designated ski slopes in the snow, but fell on one of the stones hidden under the thick layer of snow, then at dusk she hit her head against a rock hidden under the snow.

After the first months of treatment, she was taken home to the shores of Lake Geneva. There is no precise information on the seven-time Formula One world champion since then, and his family does not share much news about his condition. The last time his doctors spoke was in June of this year. French cardiac surgeon professor treating a German pilot, Philippe Menasché, a specialist in stem cell therapy said: “The goal is to regenerate Michael’s nervous system.”

Nicola Acciari The Italian neurosurgeon also spoke about Schumacher who suffers from muscular atrophy and osteoporosis: “During the last twenty years, science has made tremendous progress in the field of stem cell healing. However, this does not change the fact that we still know very little about the human brain. Therefore, it is not possible to know the results of the current intervention. ”However, a few days later, news came that stem cell therapy was being postponed.

The pilot was transferred to a luxury villa in Mallorca in September, and his rehabilitation has continued there ever since. Recently, a renowned neurosurgeon, Erich riederer He said that Schumacher may be in a vegetative state, that is, he is awake but cannot react.

“He does not speak, he only communicates with his eyes. A total of three people can enter, no one but them can see it, ”said Schumacher, a former head of Italy’s Benetton team. Flavio briatore ex wife, Elisabetta gregoraci recently betrayed.

For seven years, fans and interested people have not known exactly what the legend looks like in his everyday life.

Schumacher ski accident – timeline

2013. December 29. – Michael Schumacher hits his head on a rock as he falls between two designated ski slopes around Méribel in the French Alps at around 11 am From the force of the collision, his helmet breaks. The German champion, who with his fourteen-year-old son, MickI skied with friends and friends, first to a hospital in Moutiers and then in Grenoble, Stephan chabardes the teacher operates it. He is then kept in an artificial coma and his body temperature is adjusted to between 34 and 35 degrees Celsius “due to his extensive and severe head injuries.”

December 30. – Schumacher’s condition is still considered critical by his doctors and he refrains from making early statements about the athlete’s possibilities and future. In the afternoon a “temporary improvement” is observed, based on this Emmanuel Gay, the head of the department of brain surgery at the Grenoble hospital performs a second operation, a hemorrhage is removed from the brain.

The Albertville prosecutor’s office is launching an investigation to clarify “the circumstances and causes of the accident.” This confirms that the fall “occurred outside the designated runway, where the rocks were partially or fully covered with snow.”

Meanwhile, many of Schumachert’s fellow sportsmen, fans and fans express their sympathy, Angela Merkel The German chancellor says the case is “completely upset.”

December 31st. – Doctors report that Schumacher’s condition has improved slightly, but he remains “critical” and “very fragile.”

Sabine kehmSchumacher’s manager claims that the accident did not occur in any way because the pilot would have moved too fast, mostly because, as he indicates, he appears to have helped a friend who fell.

Doctors said that Schumacher’s head hit the rock with great force.

January 1st, 2014 – Sabine Kehm announces that Schumacher’s condition is stable but still critical, while announcing that another press conference will only be held if there are any changes.

January 3 “Schumacher’s son and a friend are questioned, they both witnessed the accident.”

The regional daily Dauphiné Liberéré reports that the competitor was skiing with a front camera, which was seized by the gendarmes.

On Schumacher’s 45th birthday, a few dozen fans gathered in front of the Grenoble hospital.

January 4th – Sabine Kehm says Schumacher’s condition remains critical but stable.
A German flight attendant tells Der Spiegel that he filmed the accident and that Schumacher was traveling at a speed of up to 20 km / h before his fall.

January 6 – Your doctor will tell you that the competitor’s condition is stable but critical. A source close to the pilot mentions a slight improvement.

January 7th “The front camera was working at the time of Michael Schumacher’s skiing accident, and the footage is usable,” said a source familiar with the details of the investigation.

For the first time since the accident, the competitor’s wife Corinna schumacher– Ask the press staff to leave the hospital, to leave the family alone and for the doctors to work in peace.

January the 8th – The Albertville prosecutor confirms that Schumacher consciously left the indicated course and that his speed in these types of areas was adequate, “completely normal.” Patrick Quincy states that the exhibit fell three to six meters from the designated course, and the rock where the head was struck is about eight meters from the back of the course. Quincy doubts that there is a recording made by a tourist showing the fall, while stating that the existing recording does not show that Schumacher would “help anyone.” The prosecutor said the investigation is ongoing.

January 17 – According to his manager’s announcement, Schumacher’s condition remains stable, the pilot is still in an artificial coma.

January 29 – They begin a gradual awakening of Schumacher, which according to his manager could take “a long time”. L’Équipe wrote that the pilot “reacted positively” to the process. He added that the pilot will begin the rehabilitation, which they intend to do with the exclusion of the public.

April 3 “Sabine Kehm says that Schumacher’s condition has improved, as she said, there are signs of optimism.

April 4 His manager announced that Schumacher was showing signs of waking up and was recovering for a moment. However, his recovery is still unpredictable.

June 16 – Sabine Kehm has announced that the seven-time Formula One world champion is no longer in a coma and has left Grenoble hospital to begin her long-term rehabilitation.
