“We are among the tough guys,” ratings after Nations League group win


In a highly reserve lineup, defeating Turkey 2-0 to the top of the Nations League, ahead of Russia, Serbia and Turkey, the Hungarian soccer team reached Division A on Wednesday night at the Puskás Arena, one step closer to 2022. and the World Cup.

Dibusz Dénes, the now defensive substitute goalkeeper of the Hungarian team – the other day he was 30 years old – feels that with the defeat of Iceland in the tight week before, and then with the draw against Serbia, they achieved a result that few expected.

“We expected a decent position and continuous improvement, but the away win against Turkey set the tone, and now, as we determined, we win the final match,” the intermediary told M4 Sport television.

In the second half, they already knew that Serbia beat Russia (finished 5-0),

there was no Hungarian victory for the group leadership, so they could play wait and see against the Turks,

and the area was opened and two Hungarian goals came out.

You already have in mind that since Hungary is the host country for the European Championship, it will be full of new Puskás fans.

“All we have to do is encourage the epidemic to develop …” he said.

Also in Ferencváros Dávid Sigér scored the first Hungarian goal.

“I can’t leave the strike line there that much, I was in the right place at the right time,” he recalled the situation before his hit. “A lot of work has also paid off in the form of this goal.”

According to Dávid Sigér, it can be built from the second half and those who came from the small bench contributed a lot to the game.

He put the ball under the shirt in his joy, because he and his partner are expecting a child, the baby is born in days, recommends the hit.

The scorer of the second goal, Varga kevin that’s how he saw it.

“I was hoping to get to the goal as soon as possible, I even pushed the ball badly. I no longer had the strength to score.”

The substitute, who had also fired a bit earlier, recalled his enormous sprint.

According to federal captain Marco Rossi, Varga Kevin’s game is “a pleasure to watch” in the Turkish league, he himself feels in a good place, but he can also improve a lot in the national team, he said. He hopes Turkey is “a little” happy with its current success.

Adam the Great He was glad the game was over after 95 minutes, he played all three games for most of the past week.


the current group leader reaches my brain better than going out to the Eb.

Back on the plane to Bristol, I’ll have time to digest things. I think we enter the serious league with the tough guys with the players constantly fighting; However, even after that, we were able to put a product on the track that showed how much we could work together, also with each other. Of course, if you have the players who offer the extra, the better, but without them there is no panic or problems ”, said Péter Gulácsi, Willi Orbán, Dominik Szoboszlai and Ádám Szalai.

Zoltán Gera The incoming captain has already made his debut against Serbia, with a draw, and has now won.

“Marco Rossi traded, sent Kevin Varga,” the forced captain told me again about the successful substitutions, who modestly put it this way, “without a coach” they want so much to play, to beat the players that is very good to see.

He has learned a lot from the last two games,

And Marco Rossi organized everything very professionally and in advance, preparing each player.

“I didn’t do anything, I just replaced the boss, it’s a blessing to be here,” he brushed.

The final result of the group:

1. HUNGARY 6 3 2 1 7-4 11 points

2. Russia 6 2 2 2 9-12 8

3. Serbia 6 1 3 2 9-7 6

4. Turkey 6 1 3 2 6-8 6

In case of the same score, the result is ranked against each other.

Previous results:

Round 1 (September 3):

Russia-Serbia 3-1 (0-0)

Turkey-HUNGARY 0-1 (0-0)

Round 2 (September 6):

Serbia-Turkey 0-0

HUNGARY-Russia 2-3 (0-2)

Round 3 (October 11):

Russia-Turkey 1-1 (1-0)

Serbia-HUNGARY 0-1 (0-1)

Round 4 (October 14):

Turkey-Serbia 2-2 (0-1)

Russia-HUNGARY 0-0

Round 5 (November 15):

HUNGARY-Serbia 1-1 (1-1)

Turkey-Russia 3-2 (2-1)

The draw for the World Cup qualifying group will be on December 7.

Opening photo: MTI / Illyés Tibor
