We are among the first to obtain a reliable vaccine against coronavirus


National clinical trials of the vaccine are in sight. Hungary participates in all European vaccine development programs, and we are also discussing vaccines in China, Russia and Israel, the prime minister said on Kossuth Radio on Friday morning. The government has already submitted a bill on the extraordinary legal system to Parliament. This would be for 90 days, by then Viktor Orbán says there is a good chance there is an antidote, he said on M1 News.

We have more and more reliable news about the coronavirus vaccine, so the end of the tunnel is almost visible”Viktor Orbán announced on Kossuth Radio. The Prime Minister said: Hungary participates in all European development programs and will have some kind of vaccine in 90 days.

The coronavirus vaccine was also one of the main topics during a meeting with members of the Health Sciences Council on Thursday at the Carmelite Monastery. The prime minister even spoke of the vaccine being in sight.

Peter Szijjártó agreed with the Russian Minister of Health

A smaller quantity of coronavirus vaccine will arrive in Hungary from Russia later this year.Péter Szijjártó said on Thursday after reaching an agreement with the Russian Minister of Health. The chancellor announced all this in an internet video because he himself is in quarantine for a coronavirus.

Hungary can also get a vaccine sample from China, the government is constantly negotiating with the three manufacturers”- stated Tamás Menczer in the video uploaded to the social site. The Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs said this would be a big step, as a possible coronavirus vaccine could probably be tested for the first time in Europe by Hungarian experts.

Therefore, the goal is to be among the first Hungarians to obtain a reliable quality vaccine against the coronavirus. Gergely Gulyás, the prime minister, recently spoke about the fact that if there is a vaccine, it will be free, but it will not be mandatory.

We are able to handle the situation.

Operational staff also reviewed the situation on Friday morning and, based on their analyzes, concluded that due to the epidemic, 2,240 intensive beds will be needed in Hungary on November 21, said Viktor Orbán of Kossuth Radio Good Morning, Hungary. in your program.

The Prime Minister put it this way, because of the numbers, the decision can soon be made to reschedule surgeries that can be safely postponed to free up more and more beds. The prime minister also spoke that the average age of people who died in the epidemic was 76 years.

The Prime Minister asked young people not to confuse their health with that of the elderly.

The prime minister recalled that in the spring we knew much less about the epidemic and the country was less equipped to resist the infection, the situation is much better now, but success can only be achieved together.

Viktor Orbán recalled the introduction of the extraordinary legal system: the debate on the fitting of the masks lasted for two weeks in Parliament, which was not voted on by the opposition. “That makes no senseThe prime minister said, adding: There are times when quick decisions are needed.

Viktor Orbán put it this way: the government is constantly considering the possibility of austerity, but the world has changed a lot since Monday, after generalizing the rules of wearing a mask, the vast majority of people comply with the regulations.

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