Vodafone to activate 5G in 200 Hungarian base stations


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“The construction and hardware development of the affected base stations are almost complete and we will launch the service in the next few weeks after software testing,” he said. Gergő J. Budai, Vice Chairman of the Board of Vodafone Hungary.

A cooperation agreement has also been signed with the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME), under which the company will provide 40 MHz of its own frequency group for the establishment and operation of the experimental 5G network and the 5G Laboratory that will be built at the university. The frequency will be suitable for the operation of the university’s indoor experimental 5G network throughout the BME area, as well as for the creation of the open innovation environment and 5G Laboratory.

Charaf Hassan, Dean of the Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering, BUTE According to him, the 5G testnet will also help BME join planned 5G and 6G research and development programs and initiatives as part of the European Union’s innovation framework program, Horizon Europe. Equipping a 5G lab as part of the test network will enable the development of 5G-based applications and services in a number of vertical industries, including agriculture and transportation, and logistics.

BME cooperates with Nokia Hungary in the creation of the 5G experimental network, which provides radio equipment to the university and also participates in the operation of the network.

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