Virologist: It is now clear what we can expect in 2021


There has been a great deal of knowledge and experience about the new coronavirus since January, but there are still many open questions and the risk involved. 2021 will be a transition year, vaccines will be available slowly, epidemiological restrictions may be loosened, but it would be nice if we kept the proven control methods, which can also help against other viruses, said award-winning virus researcher Gábor Kemenesi Junior Prima , University of Pécs Szentágothai He is a member of the János Research Center at an online event on coronavirus.

Since the coronavirus outbreak in Hungary, a lot of authentic and false information on the subject has been circulating. what we know and what we still do today, what about testing, reinfection, wearing masks.

Since the beginning of the epidemic, a lot of knowledge and experience about the coronavirus has accumulated since January, serious treatment protocols have been developed, but there are not many answers to many questions yet, the conversation revealed.

In the case of infection, the range of underlying diseases with increased risk, such as circulatory problems, overweight, obesity, diabetes, immunosuppressive status and, first of all, age, is increasing. Age is at higher risk because the number and extent of chronic complaints and the distribution and number of ACE2 receptors, which play an important role in infection, as well as the activity and dominance of the immune system, increase over time. It is hypothesized that ACE2 receptors may also play a role in the fact that obesity is such a dangerous underlying condition, since adipose tissue contains many of these receptors.

Unknown is the risk itself

When asked why the coronavirus is really dangerous, why it should be taken so seriously, Kemenesi highlighted the great risk of the unknown. Many things, such as long-term residual symptoms, harm, or who is threatening. Its danger is also indicated by the fact that the number of hospital admissions is ten times higher than in a very severe influenza pandemic, and if hospitals fill up, more problems are generated.

According to Kemenesi, healing can only be helped by listening to the doctor. You really need to know what you’re playing, it’s not the disease that I treat at home with two pills, “he said. Information on this is constantly changing, so much so that it has already been found that those in good general health survive well in a large percentage. However, there are exceptions for which we do not know the genetic background.

No immune booster

There is no biological concept that stimulates the immune system – stressed the virologist, a healthy lifestyle – an adequate amount of sleep, a healthy diet and exercise – with which the defense works well.

To detect infection, the PCR test is the gold standard, but due to its susceptibility, it detects the presence of the virus even when it is no longer infectious. The virus is most likely to be transmitted at the beginning of the infection, around the onset of symptoms, which is why it spreads so quickly.

The superdistribution is mainly related to some function, work, event, said the virologist, recalling a corporate event in Boston in which 97 people were infected, causing 20,000 diseases in Boston.

There is still no exact knowledge about reinfection, all known cases are symptomatic, but it is possible that many people have already been reinfected, they are simply asymptomatic. We cannot draw conclusions from some known cases, Kemenesi said.

It is already a great result if we overcome the infection lightly.

The virologist says that it is very important to get the vaccine once you’ve had the vaccine. The vaccine is not about how strong an individual is and defeats the virus, but about not transmitting the infection to groups at risk, he said. He believed that there was very good news about vaccines, that their production was transparent, well controlled and safe. The first question is always whether an effective and safe vaccine can be made against a particular pathogen, to which now the answer is yes. There seems to be something in our hands that we can use to protect people. According to him, it is already a great result if we overcome the infection lightly thanks to the vaccine. The news is encouraging, scientific publications are expected, but at the same time skepticism grows in the world – added Gábor Kemenesi.

Regarding the risks associated with pregnancy, he said that pregnant women are also at risk according to the European Epidemiology Center and the WHO. In the first two trimesters, the symptoms may affect the mother worse than in the third. However, as far as we know, the virus does not pass to the baby or breast milk.

In the future, Kemenesi considers several scenarios possible, but to make sure the virus stays with us, it’s just a question of how. It may get used to the host cold virus in 5-20-50 years, but it can still be, but there will be a vaccine and you will have to fight it like you have measles.

There can also be a much worse scenario where when it encounters other viruses, it changes to such an extent that a new corona virus is created, again causing big problems. In any case, he said, vaccination will solve any scenario.

Let’s not forget the best practices

Kemenesi explained that Anthony Fauci agrees with the American epidemiologist that 2021 could be a year of transition. Vaccines will arrive, they will be available fairly slowly here and there, epidemiological regulations can be relaxed, and we can slowly recover from the health part of the crisis. Maybe we can start recovering in 2022, but I hope we don’t forget everything and keep it, which will help avoid getting infected with other viruses as well, the virologist said, referring to wearing a mask during flu season and getting vaccinated.

In summary, he advised us to think every day about this situation, which is a challenge for society and endangers our health, and to decide our daily activities with a risk-benefit assessment. So, for example, if it is really necessary to buy every day, or it is enough to solve once every two weeks, or if it is necessary to go to the tobacco shop for the third time. It is a scientific fact that we wear masks, keep our distances, reduce contact, embrace them, understand the dangers of closed spaces, crowds and proximity – suggested Gábor Kemenesi. The most we can do is take care of ourselves and others. We will get over it at some point, but we have to pay close attention to everything, ”he said at last.
