Viktor Orbán will travel to Bled for a conference, the world after the coronavirus will be the subject


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He said this year’s conference will be held in the wake of the challenges and opportunities of the post-coronavirus world, as well as Brexit, with the participation of the heads of state and government of many countries.

In addition to Viktor Orbán at the Monday morning forum, Aleksandar Vucic, President of Serbia, Andrei Babis from the Czech Republic, Janez Jansa from Slovenia, Mateusz Morawiecki from Poland, Andrej Plenkovic from Croatia and Bulgarian Prime Minister Bojko Borisov personally, Giuseppe Conte from Italy, Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte and Georgieva, Director of the International Monetary Fund, will exchange views on neighborhood, regional and global issues online.

According to Bertalan Havasi, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will also hold bilateral talks with the prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Croatia and Slovenia, as well as with representatives of the Hungarians in Slovenia.

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