Viktor Orbán: We will have to raise salaries in public works next year


Viktor Orbán also spoke about epidemic management, vaccines, hospital preparedness and the economy on TV2’s Facts Sunday night. Regarding the latter, he said that the focus is on the development of investments, another possibility for the State to hire workers, and thirdly, the public works will continue, in which wages will have to be raised next year. interview of the head of Government to

Photo: MTI Photo / Zsolt Szigetváry

Viktor Orbán said in an interview on Saturday that the epidemic continues to increase, a very difficult period awaits hospitals. As you walk through the hospitals, you see that there are enough tools everywhere, but no one is happy to be redirected to a new location, targeting the healthcare workers here. “We have designated the first 8 epidemic hospitals, if their resources run out, new ones will come.” – can be read in the general description of the portal.

The vaccine that I was thinking now is expected in Brussels to have a vaccine by the middle of next year at the latest. In relation to the Czech Republic, she emphasized that the epidemic had been unleashed there, which is why she considers the closure of the border important, because the virus is destroying here, but it has come from abroad.

Regarding the economy, Viktor Orbán said that the focus is on the development of investments, another possibility is that the state hires workers, and thirdly, public works will be maintained, in which we will have to raise wages next year .

According to the prime minister, the question now regarding employment is whether employers will be able to create the jobs they need. A closed factory in Germany or France cannot be opened there after the crisis. While this is also true for us, there is currently a competition in which we must be as competitive as possible.

More details here.
