Viktor Orbán was asked about the coronavirus tests in Hungary


The Portfolio Hybrid Health conference will be held on November 10. Details here:

When will coronavirus tests be free? he asked the prime minister Kocsis-Cake Olivio (Dialogue), who had already requested this measure at the end of his speech. He was also waiting for an answer: what is cheaper, prevent the spread of the virus through mass testing or stop the economy? The politician’s proposal Viktor Orban According to her, it would prevent the formation of outbreaks, but recalled that there are no longer outbreaks but massive diseases. He is stressed:

whoever needs a test, ask your GP, it will be free.

Ágnes Kunhalmi (MSZP) He spoke of the need for many more tests because the number of new coronavirus infections is increasing dramatically and there are no well-identified focal points. If they want to run the farm, it would be time for tests to keep the epidemic under control, he added.

Viktor Orbán responded that the government would follow the WHO protocol for testing proposed by operational staff, and if the authority orders the testing, it would be free.

It was necessary to reduce the profit margin of the tests, so the official price was decided

the Prime Minister recalled.

László Varju (DK) He also demanded that the coronavirus test be made free. He sees health as a business today, as is testing, while testing is being free across Europe and governments are encouraging people to take advantage of this opportunity.

The prime minister said that if they want there to be nothing to do with the tests, they need to enter the official price, and they have.

Viktor Orbán also responded to the opposition’s speeches before the agenda. The Prime Minister also failed to understand why they should be ashamed of themselves, after the official price for tests of around HUF 30,000 was set at HUF 19,500.

Anyone arguing against official prices today is advocating test speculators

he stated.

Cover: Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will respond to party speakers before the agenda of the plenary session of the National Assembly on September 21, 2020. Source: MTI / Koszticsák Szilárd
