Viktor Orbán unexpectedly flew to Warsaw


According to a Polish newspaper, the topic will be an engagement with Angela Merkel.

According to the Polish daily 300Polytika, he flew urgently to Warsaw on Tuesday Viktor Orban – writes 444. The newspaper knows that the Hungarian Prime Minister landed before 4 in the afternoon at the military airport of the Polish capital, from where he went directly to a meeting Jarosław Kaczyńskivel, with the president of PiS and Mateusz Morawiecki with the Prime Minister. The fact of the meeting was later represented by Poland in Brussels. reported On twitter.

According to 300Polytika, the theme of the meeting is to agree Angela Merkel on the final version of the compromise with the German chancellor before the EU summit on Thursday and Friday. The newspaper also added that during the lull in talks between Kaczyński, Morawiecki and Viktor Orbán with the leaders of the Polish coalition parties, Jarosław Gowinnal Y Zbigniew Ziobróval I also agree.

Morawiecki wrote on Facebook on Tuesday that rule-of-law conditionality for the payment of EU funds undermines trust between member states, while the European Union should strive to show solidarity at a time of a coronavirus epidemic. At the entrance, the Prime Minister summarized the main theses of his writings published this Tuesday in the main newspapers of 14 European countries. In that article, he explained why Warsaw was willing to veto the EU’s seven-year framework budget and a financial fund to repair the economic damage caused by the coronavirus epidemic.

The system of budgetary conditions for the rule of law raises serious legal concerns and “undermines the foundations of trust and loyal cooperation between member states and EU bodies,” the Polish prime minister said in a Facebook post. Morawiecki later, at a press conference in Warsaw on Tuesday afternoon, confirmed his government’s position on the issue so far. He considered that another meeting of Heads of State and Government may be needed after the EU summit this week due to differences in the budget.
