Viktor Orbán summoned the Health Sciences Council


On Thursday, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán held a meeting with the presidency of the Health Sciences Council (ETT) at the Carmelite Monastery in Budapest, Bertalan Havasi, the prime minister’s press chief, informed MTI.

The meeting was attended by József Mandl, president of the EGTC, Tibor Wittmann, vice president, Miklós Csala, secretary of the Council, and other members of the Board of Trustees: Professors Tamásdóczi, Gyula Poór, Péter Sótonyi and Attila Vörös.

In a photo published by the Prime Minister’s Press Office, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán will hold a meeting with the Presidency of the Health Sciences Council at the Carmelite Monastery on November 5, 2020.Source: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Zoltán Fischer

The Health Sciences Council is the proposing, advisory and advisory body of the Ministry of Health, which takes position and makes recommendations on general ethical questions related to medical research, and develops ethical guidelines for the principles and practices of biomedical research and clinic, as well as health legislation. can start.

The situation is getting worse across Europe, but it is much easier than in the spring that the final solution, the vaccine, is in a predictable proximity, in a predictable distance. – Viktor Orbán said in his Facebook video uploaded in connection with the event. He also spoke about the fact that Péter Szijjártó, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade, is in quarantine, but is constantly discussing various vaccine procurement options. This was one of the topics of discussion today, and the other is that the first draft of the National Transplant Plan has been completed and the Operational Staff will discuss it soon, but will seek the opinion of the teachers beforehand.
