Viktor Orbán is patient


“Hungarians are patient with this phenomenon (homosexuality), and even Hungarians are so patient that we can tolerate such provocative displays. I won’t say it without a word. So we can safely say that Hungary is a tolerant and patient country in terms of homosexuality. But there is a red line that cannot be crossed, and I summarize my opinion about it: leave our children alone, ”he said. Viktor Orban the weekend on Kossuth Radio.

Needless to say again here, the storybook, in which the Prime Minister summed up his views on homosexuality, does not hurt, spoil or warm children, but can help to understand and accept minorities (of no gay-only way), as does the issue of deep poverty, domestic violence, and adoption.

It is also worth emphasizing that this Dora DúróChildren whose parents do not buy the book are not exposed to the awareness considered dangerous by Viktor Orbán and the 84,000 protesters against the storybook, as this is not a required reading. Even the Double, which includes two non-white figures, does not have to buy it in the store if someone has similar doubts to the author of the government close to Vasá, who was outraged that his son was not only on the street or on television, but also on a Lego. You can cope with the existence of people of color.

Let’s not get into the fact that when Viktor Orbán talks about Hungarians, he talks mostly about himself, maybe he makes statements about his own voters, often quite funny. Orbán himself concludes it briefly, since he could not be more precise than 30 years ago: “The parties in the government and especially the leadership of the Forum are very inclined to reject criticism of the government as if the opposition or the press had prestige over Hungary. digging underneath. it would attack the Hungarian nation itself. Such demonstrations do not promise much good for the future of democracy. Such behavior suggests that the leaders of the ruling party tend to confuse their party and its constituents with the country, the nation ”. (Népszabadság September 1, 1990)

Let’s fix there what it means for the Prime Minister to say that Hungarians are patient with homosexuals (who, according to this wording, do not appear to be Hungarians). According to the Hungarian language of 1862, patience is “a state of mind that can be tolerated, that is, unpleasant impressions, pains, films, etc. peacefully and persistently, he will not complain about them. “

WikiDiction, a bit more recent, distinguishes four meanings of the word patience: 1. Quiet wait 2. Persistent intention 3. Self-control 4. Care. Of these four, the head of government is, by definition, patient in the third sense of the word, his definition: “the ability to comfortably bear pain or discomfort without losing your composure, or even without complaining.”

This is how the Prime Minister of Hungary thinks about the existence of homosexuals: the torment or inconvenience that he endures alone, however much he can do against them, he even has the power to do so. It seems that not only the fairy tale, but Hungary belongs to everyone.
