Viktor Orbán is negotiating crisis management in an 11-year-old Nokia.


Viktor Orbán On his forty-first day on his Facebook page, he gives his followers (and therefore the country) a little taste of his dense tasks due to the new coronavirus, and on April 22, he surprised the community of more than a million people with real curiosity.

There is a motive in the publication, accompanied by the following text: “Forty-first day. I have consulted with the President of the European Council on crisis management and the EU budget.” There is no doubt that crisis management and the EU budget are also important, but it is also in the Prime Minister’s interest to make important calls with an 11-year-old Nokia 6700 Classic.

Day forty-two. I consulted the President of the European Council on crisis management and the EU budget

Posted by Viktor Orbán on Wednesday April 22, 2020

Launched in 2009, the device can’t even be called a smartphone with great benevolence, although it can now read and browse emails on the 240 x 320 pixel TFT screen. The phone is also capable of connecting to 2G and 3G networks, supports Bluetooth 2.1, has a radio and games, has a phone book that can store 2000 numbers, and even comes with a camera to capture 5 megapixel photos and 480p videos . Its battery is 970 milliamps per hour, providing over 300 hours of standby time, and can be used to negotiate parallel crisis management on 3G networks for up to four hours.

Attacking the past, or the Nokia 6700 Classic. Photo: Nokia

Viktor Orbán is well known for not making great friends with modern devices, he has not had a mobile phone for a long time and even in 2010 he used a Nokia 6300 without an internet connection.

It could have been replaced by the Nokia 6700 Classic, something more modern but now absolutely obsolete. Of course, one might think that a user with such a device is safer than a smartphone, but that is not the case, since traditional mobile phones offer no more protection than their modern counterparts in terms of calls and messages.
