Viktor Orbán is a man and vetoes EU subsidies for crisis management because of immigrants


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Opposition from the governments of Hungary and Poland to the other EU member states, most of which voted in favor of the rule of law mechanism on Monday, intensified this week. This would make the distribution of EU subsidies dependent on the democratic functioning of the country in question and its action against corruption. Orbán and Kaczyński, on the other hand, do not want this to destroy the EU budget and the gigantic stimulus package drawn up due to the coronavirus, which could be of great help to Hungary from January.

In a statement on Wednesday morning, the Hungarian Prime Minister explained that these were migrants: “Today, only the country that allows migrants to enter their homeland is considered a state governed by the rule of law in Brussels.” he said, insisting on rejecting the rule of law. According to him, his goal is “to tie up money owed to member states to support immigration and to blackmail countries that oppose migration with budgetary means.”

At this point, six leaders of Hungarian opposition parties considered it necessary “to declare to all nations, citizens and leaders of the European Union that Viktor Orbán and his government are not equal to Hungary.” And the Hungarians were asked to declare that “the Orbán government is not destroying European cooperation on its behalf, it wants to deprive European and Hungarian citizens of the European support they deserve, contrary to their will and interests.”

The story will continue soon.


The letter from the Hungarian Parliament contains the bill, which would write in the basic law that Viktor Orbán is a man, Lőrinc Mészáros is a man.


But the above amendment is only a wavering prelude to the folly that brought the Hungarian parliament to power over the basic law and thus the theft and gender during a late night debate.

Sándor Czinkóczi claimed that he enjoyed the six-hour report on depravities and believers in the lowlands, but this is just further proof that it is difficult to overcome this with a healthy soul. It’s not like you can’t hysterically laugh at selected videos, but let’s watch each other so that the gurgling that comes out of us doesn’t turn into sobs.


  1. Several municipalities have begun to repeal the regulation on free parking
  2. A quarter of coronavirus deaths in Hungary can be attributed to air pollution

You may not need to provide a detailed explanation for this. The main crowned news of yesterday were gathered, interpreted in the evening bulletin.


All European countries report regional data on coronavirus patients, except Hungary – we wrote a long time ago, at the beginning of the epidemic, in March. Much has changed since then, but the forced secrecy of the Hungarian authorities has not. The government website on the coronavirus is beginning to look like an advanced dictatorship in the party press: It is not what it contains, it is what it is not, we wrote in mid-October.

And yesterday, the perfect illustration of this crazy phenomenon was finally completed. Cecília Müller reported at the central conference that “a coronavirus infection has been identified in 88 percent of Hungarian settlements.” The government website illustrated this with the image above, which is not clickable, cannot be zoomed in, does not contain any data, including the number of infected and dead.



The president of the United States continues to insist that the election was rigged, but increasingly he is left alone with that opinion. World leaders, including the Hungarian prime minister and many illiberal friends, have long congratulated Biden, and officials who run the country, including those responsible for treating the coronavirus, are preparing for the critical months ahead, but Trump just doesn’t want to get off the table.

We started the morning by firing the director of his cybersecurity office, who said there was no IT fraud during the elections, and in the evening we wrote a longer article on the retirement of some members of his own team as the obsessive president slowly threatens the near future of the republicans.


In the picture published by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Tamás Menczer, Secretary of State for Information and International Presentation of Hungary (j) receives and presents a Puskás shirt to the Minister of Youth and Sports of Turkey, Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoglu (b ) party in parliamentPhoto: KKM / Tamás Szilva / MTI / MTVA

With their victory last night, the Hungarian soccer team won their group in Division B, the second division of the Nations League, and reached the forefront. Something happened before him, it is not easy to articulate what, in any case, the news from the MTI, which the Foreign Ministry had the pleasure of bringing to our newsroom, would remain here without comments and in its entirety.

Hungarian-Turkish – Menczer: Hungary and Turkey are also proud sports nations

Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoglu, Turkish Minister of Youth and Sports, visited Budapest in connection with the Hungarian-Turkish Nations League national team soccer match; The guest was received in Parliament by Tamás Menczer, Secretary of State for Information and International Representation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. According to the announcement of the Ministry, the negotiating parties mutually established that sports are not lacking in the list of extremely good relations between Hungary and Turkey, cooperation is also necessary in this field and in the future it may be useful to exchange athletes, coaches and professionals. of sport The Secretary of State informed his Turkish partner that sport has been a key strategic sector in Hungary since 2010, the result of which is the implementation of daily school physical education, the development of sports infrastructure, swimming pools, gymnasiums and, for example , the national stadium, the Puskás Arena. The Minister and Secretary of State also agreed that sport is an important force shaping the character of society, and both countries are proud sporting nations. It was mentioned that in Hungary and Turkey special attention is paid to traditional sports. In 2021, Turkey will host the Nomadic World Games. This event is organized by the World Ethnopsort Confederation, which is chaired by Necmeddin Bilal Erdogan and is in constant contact with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Tamás Menczer and Mehmet Muharrem Kasapoglu disagreed on one thing, which is the expected result of the Hungarian-Turkish match, but agreed that what happens at Wednesday’s meeting will not affect the relationship between the two countries in any way, they said. . (MTI)


What does Budapest do with the memory of hundreds of thousands of raped women?

When the country expects anti-epidemic measures, the government prioritizes the realization of its own power. Legalizing the theft of billions of billions of public property, the ideological war against sexual minorities, many changes to the electoral law to avoid the cooperation of the opposition … and there will be more ideas here. In spring, the day the emergency measures were introduced, the Index was occupied. Whats Next? Support the free press for as long as you can!
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