Viktor Orbán and Biden: a difficult world could come if Trump fails


Robert Menendez, a Democratic member of the Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, reported on the foreign policy of US President Donald Trump. The document, described by Politico, describes Trump’s global activities as chaos and highlights his relationship with Viktor Orbán.

If Trump’s challenger Joe Biden wins the presidential election, Menendez will certainly be the chairman of the committee, which means he will have significant influence on U.S. foreign policy. It is therefore remarkable how serious it is that Trump describes, among other authoritarian leaders, that he was a friend of Orban, who said he had demolished Hungarian democracy and exposed the Russians not only to his own country, but also to NATO. and the European Union. to

The report includes Russian President Vladimir Putin, Saudi Mohamed bin Salman, Turkish Recep Tayyip Erdogan and North Korean Kim Jong Un among those he treated as Trump’s friends despite having repressive regimes. Discuss the Hungarian situation with them on a separate chapter page.

“Since 2010, under Orbán’s leadership, Hungary has returned to democracy. Therefore, the Obama presidency has failed to maintain high-level bilateral relations. However, it has sought to promote freedom of the press with the support of the media. independents and NGOs, “says the report.

By comparison, the Trump administration set aside democratic concerns and embraced the Orbán regime. This was explained by trying to prevent Orban from getting close to Russia and China, which nevertheless happened. The report assessed the policy of opening up to the east, the invasion of the Russian capital, intelligence cooperation with the Russians, the emergence of the International Investment Bank (IIB) in Budapest, and close energy ties as dangerous.

Menéndez mentioned the Freedom House report on the deterioration of Hungarian democracy and listed areas of concern: restrictions from the opposition, media, science and higher education, NGOs, refugees and pressure on the private economy.

On the basis of an ongoing transaction, the Hungarian Armed Forces will purchase an air defense missile system from the United States for an approximate value of HUF 74 billion. Many see this acquisition as an attempt by Orbán, like Germany, to buy the goodwill of the Americans. If US foreign policy is further shaped by Democrats, including Menendez, this maneuver will hardly be enough, they appreciate it on
