Viktor Orbán also spoke about the future of Hungary’s accession to the EU and the weak forint


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According to Orbán, it was a bold move for the British to leave the EU, indicating the size of the country, but Hungary will not follow this path. The head of government granted an interview in Brussels in which he said that the EU is responsible for the 2016 British referendum, the popular vote saved the reputation of the country.

Viktor Orbán emphasized that Hungary is not an island, it is too economically integrated in the EU to follow the British example.

We cannot afford to follow the path that Hungary needs to become a member of the EU

he pointed. He added that despite the debates in recent years, support for the EU remains strong in Hungary.

Regarding the US presidential election, Orbán emphasized: is convinced that Donald Trump will be re-elected, He said Europe should improve its trade relations with the United States and clarify the role of American soldiers after the elections. The Hungarian Prime Minister also said that he doesn’t have a plan B in case Joe Biden is the next US president..

In the interview, the Hungarian Prime Minister emphasized that Hungary does not accept the new EU migration plan, which has good elements, but that there are still many unsolved problems in relation to immigration. According to him, the EU should establish hotspots to keep asylum seekers out of Europe and carry out asylum procedures across borders.

Speaking about the Hungarian economy, Orbán told Reuters that the government plans to boost the economy with investment and tax cuts. He stressed that they were willing to expand the labor protection program if necessary, but now believe that resources should be more focused on investments to create new jobs.

When asked about the near-record weak forint, the prime minister only replied:

It is a matter of central bank policy, not my concern.

He added that the MNB is independent, and trusts the institution and its director, György Matolcsy.

If the MNB makes a strong forint, I have to adjust its economic policy to it, and if it is weak, I have to adjust it.

Orbán emphasized.

Cover image: MTI / Prime Minister’s Press Office / Zoltán Fischer
