Viktor Orbán: a new world will come in defense as of Monday, the epidemic situation must be endured until April


He sees closures and restrictions in Europe: “Everyone is doing something, everyone is adjusting something. The severity of the measures and the situation are not everywhere ”because he pointed out that in some cases the situation is not as serious as the measures are.

“I am a believer in breaking some rules, making them serious, and following them. We see the key to the situation in following the rules that have already been established. We have also introduced some stricter rules, basically on the use of masks ”.

I see the key to wearing a mask. The situation and the contagion rates make us think about the end of the habituation period.

He recalled that the government had made the necessary legislative decisions and

a new world of controls will begin on Monday. So far, the police have asked, explained, from now on punished and ready.

And he added: the numbers will not be favorable yet, defense is a shared responsibility, everyone has a responsibility.

“The mask must be used by anyone who does not wear it, irresponsible and endangering their circle of acquaintances. The police have the right to close the restaurant, including cultural and sporting events. This moment has also come.”
