Vidnyánszky requested a list of those involved in the warning strike


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No agreement was reached on Friday between the striking staff of the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts (SZFE) and the board of directors. According to the SZFE statement, this time the attorney for the board of trustees did not attend the hearing, only the businessmen. They added that negotiations will continue on Saturday.

They added that after a two-hour warning strike by university staff on Thursday during which they read statements of support for the SZFE on the Ódry Stage,

On Friday morning, the board of directors asked the university rector for a list of the names of those involved in the warning strike.The strike committee did not agree that this list should be given to anyone other than the employer, so they asked the chancellor to report this fact to the board of trustees and draw their attention to the fact that this data only they could be used for payroll purposes. It is not carried out by the board of trustees, and after the payroll, the data must be deleted, since it cannot be stored in accordance with the law. The members of the strike committee report to the NAIH because they believe that even requesting the data is illegal, and therefore there was no purpose or legal basis for the transfer of the data.

Photo: botost /

The university staff would go on strike because, in their opinion, the articles of association and the organizational and operational regulations (szmsz) imposed on the university community by the new maintainer of SZFE “they also harm employee interests”. The University Worker Strike Committee demands that the government:

  • guarantees freedom of creation, education and university,
  • restore the powers of the Senate before the model change,
  • so that the internal functioning of the university is determined by the university community through a democratic and self-determined way, through the Senate,
  • It guarantees that the rector, department heads and department heads of the university can be democratically elected by the university community through the representation of the Senate,
  • guarantees that the financial resources of the university will not be reduced.

Tamás Lajos, a member of the maintenance board, recently said that if the court ruled that a strike by university professors was legal, the board would organize alternative education. And it considers the strike illegal. The cameraman has yet to reveal how the education will be organized, but said that he will be the one teaching the students and that there is a place where the semester can continue.

The situation in the SZFE was summarized in a video:

The history of the secret negotiations of the 2018 elections.

I’ll see

