Verhofstadt would leave the Orbán government out of the money distribution


According to Guy Verhofstadt, the Union recovery fund should be established without Hungary and Poland if these countries do not withdraw their veto. According to a Belgian politician in the European Parliament, the governments of Hungary and Poland are hurting their own citizens by vetoing the common EU budget and the recovery fund.

On paper, the EU budget for 2021-27 and the payment of the additional recovery fund would be, as is known, linked to a mechanism of the rule of law by the European Parliament, the German Presidency and most of the States members. Approximately 39 billion euros of the EU budget for 2014-2020, which is now coming to an end, has entered the Hungarian economy, while the total support of the next seven-year budget increased by the rescue package may amount to 52,000 million euros. However, the conditions of the rule of law were also questioned by the governments of Hungary and Poland, vetoing the agreement in the European Council, which required a unanimous decision, and later supported by the Slovenian Prime Minister, Janez Jansa, who also accepted the convention in its current form.

According to Belgian MEP Guy Verhofstadt, it would, of course, be best for Poland and Hungary to lift their vetoes. “That would be the normal way, since the adoption of the reconstruction package is in the interest of its citizens and their companies. I must say that this is the first time that I have seen a country blocking the budget negotiations because it would receive money,” he said. Euronews is the politician who interviewed the news channel, adding that the two countries are punishing their own citizens with it.

Is there a way out?

However, according to him, the situation can be solved even with the resistance of the Hungarian-Polish tandem. “If it is not possible to lift the veto, I see no other way out than to establish enhanced cooperation under Article 326 of the Treaty. This would allow the other 25 member states to move forward with the reconstruction fund without Poland and Hungary,” he said. what is the way out, which would also mean omitting the two resigning Member States.

Verhofstadt has indicated that he does not want a compromise on the rule of law because he sees the current rule of law mechanism as the basic minimum. “This is what Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte said. There is no compromise and we can dilute a system that we have already agreed to. I think the current brake on the rule of law is a weak system anyway, I say no to weaken it further.” . MEP.

He believes that the rule of law mechanism came too late because it is one of the last tools to protect these values.

“In most countries, between 60% and 70% of people consider it normal to stop referrals to countries that do not respect the rule of law, democracy and are in the hands of corrupt people. This is also corruption. OLAF’s latest report was clear. “Hungary tops the list. It is obvious that Viktor Orbán has a responsibility in this, “added Verhofstadt, who considers the constant mention of György Soros by the Hungarian government ridiculous, and even considers this to be something anti-Semitic. The Soviet analogy of the Soviet prime minister, which he feels it is particularly offensive to the EU.
