Vera Jourová to Spiegel: Hungarian democracy is very sick


The vice-president of the European Commission maintains his opinion that something is very wrong with Hungarian democracy, despite the fact that it has been the target of very violent attacks by the Orbán government, including numerous accusations of hatred against Hungarians. The Czech politician spoke about this in an interview with Spiegel, which was reviewed by the HVG.

The subject of the interview was basically how China and Russia are trying to flood European countries with disinformation and what measures Jourová plans to take against them as Commissioner for Securities and Transparency. In addition, of course, his frequent criticisms of the Hungarian and Polish governments were also discussed.

The Vice-President of the Commission continues to believe that Hungarian democracy is sick, as evidenced by the fact that some important parts of the rule of law are simply missing.

Just think of how free the press is and the room for maneuver in the civil sphere. This space cannot be filled by social networks either, because it is through which disinformation spreads enormously, as the epidemic has shown.

Vera Jourová in the EP in a plenary session in November 2020.Photo: OLIVIER MATTHYS / AFP

As for the rule of law mechanism, Jourová is glad to have become such an instrument. If possible, it will be deployed before the end of the year, but for the moment they are awaiting the opinion of the Court of Justice of the European Union on the complaint from Hungary and Poland presented in this case. In the meantime, the Commission will develop implementation guidelines.

The Vice-President believes that the EU has so far not been able to deploy such an effective weapon in defense of democracy as the rule of law mechanism. With the verdict in force, they are expected to take a very tough stance against the governments involved, but said the sanctions should not affect citizens.

He also added that they do not want to blackmail individual countries as they monitor the actions of all governments. However, the relevant problems are well known among Hungarians and Poles. It is not a coincidence that proceedings against both governments are underway under article 7, although he acknowledged that he was stranded. Jourová’s nightmare is that the new opportunity will suffer the same fate, that is, that financial support will be withdrawn if a member violates the common rules. That is why careful preparation is important, he emphasized.
