Vaccine Developer Covid Speaks: Life May Return to Normal Wheels Next Winter


According to the head of the pharmaceutical company BioNTech, the new vaccines could create a better epidemic situation already in the summer, and life can return completely to normal next winter, but this is conditional on more people receiving the coronavirus vaccine. writes a correspondent for MTI in London.

BioNtech and pharmaceutical group Pfizer announced earlier this month that the effectiveness of their jointly developed vaccine will exceed 90 percent based on the results of clinical trials and studies to date.

The vaccine would dramatically reduce the spread of the coronavirus epidemic even if it were 50 percent effective, said Professor Ugur Sahin, co-founder and CEO of BioNtech, on Sunday’s political-public magazine program on the BBC British Public Service. Television.

The virus situation will not improve this winter

There were no side effects during the trials that would have required the vaccine trial to be paused. Subjects who experienced any adverse effects experienced no more than mild or moderate pain at the injection site for a few days or also had a short-term mild or moderate fever.

The BioNTech director said this winter “will continue to be tough” as the new vaccine will not have a significant impact on infection numbers this winter.

If all goes well, the two companies developing the vaccine will start shipping the vaccine later this year, early next year. According to Professor Sahin, the goal is to have more than 300 million doses of the vaccine on the market by April, and this will already have a notable initial impact on the spread of the epidemic.

In summer, the vaccine will have a serious effect.

However, a serious impact is expected for the arrival of next summer, especially since the summer will help slow the spread of the epidemic anyway, said the CEO of BioNtech, who said that it was important to achieve a high vaccination rate to early next fall-winter. Sahin is confident this will happen, especially since many other companies are also developing vaccines.

With all this, life can return to normal next winter, the professor told MTI.

Repeat vaccination may be necessary

When asked how long the vaccine could remain effective after administration, the head of BioNtech said that studies were still needed to determine this. Nor should it be a serious problem to have to be vaccinated from time to time, for example, every year, but it could also be that the population only needs to be revaccinated every two or five years, the expert added.

Professor Sahin also emphasized that he did not consider that a mutation could drastically alter the structure of the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus that causes Covid-19 disease.

The British also bought

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at a recent press conference that the British government has already ordered 40 million doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. According to Johnson, Britain will be at the forefront of the international field in terms of vaccine numbers per capita, and if the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine passes all strict safety checks, the UK government, led by the Public Health Service ( NHS), the vaccine will begin nationwide. dissemination. The government has ordered an additional 300 million doses of five other vaccines in development, the MTI wrote.
