Vaccination campaign begins in the Vatican


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A vaccination campaign will be launched at the Vatican with health and safety personnel, and a separate refrigeration unit has been purchased to store the vaccine at the proper temperature, the Vatican City Office of Health and Hygiene said on Saturday.

According to the announcement, the vaccination campaign will begin next week, and by the second half of January, enough vaccines will arrive at the Vatican to meet needs, including church and secular workers.

The Vatican City Office of Health and Hygiene noted that the very low temperature refrigeration equipment necessary to properly store the vaccine had been purchased.

Participation in the administration of vaccines will be voluntary: they will want to vaccinate first the health and security personnel, as well as all those who have more contact with believers and visitors, such as the guards of St. Peter’s Basilica or the Vatican Post staff. . The vaccine is also being administered to parishioners working in the Vatican, the first to be considered a category of risk due to their advanced age. The vaccination station is located in the Vatican, VI. They form in the foyer of a courtroom named after Paul.

The announcement did not specify whether the 84-year-old Pope Francis would be vaccinated and, if so, when.

According to Italian press reports, the Vatican has ordered 10,000 doses of vaccines. The number of clergy and laity working in the Vatican is around three thousand, but it is planned to vaccinate the families of the workers, as well as the Vatican workers who are already retired. (MTI)
