Vaccination against coronavirus may be earlier than expected.


The Oxford researchers, who promised results in their coronavirus vaccine in September, found a sponsor in the person of a pharmaceutical giant, AstraZeneca. This can give a boost to your work.

As early as July, British researchers will find out if their coronavirus vaccine lives up to expectations. British pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca announced, according to CNBC reports. The company’s report also revealed that they had joined forces with the Oxford Vaccine Group research team, which, in collaboration with the Jenner Institute, recently announced that it was developing a promising coronavirus vaccine and began trials. clinicians. Earlier, results were promised for September.

The global company goes into development and then, if the tool succeeds, organizes production and sales globally. By June-July, we will have very precise data on our position, that is, how effective the vaccine is, AstraZeneca CEO Pascal Soriot told the BBC. The company wants to sell the vaccine at cost during the pandemic.

It’s clearly risky to go into the development of an unfinished drug, but it’s time to take that risk, the CEO said. “We are facing a terrible epidemic, and vaccination is our number one weapon to fight it in the long term. AstraZeneca has also announced that it will have preliminary data in early May and will then quell investigations in the middle of the year.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 89 coronavirus vaccines are already being developed worldwide, while in a few weeks, between 60 and 70 research reports have been received.

Experts spend the time needed to mass-produce and distribute the vaccine in 12 to 18 months, but this applies to average cases, not when large material and intellectual resources are moving to achieve the goal, as they are now.

Financial times
