Undergraduate students will screen teachers for coronavirus


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The Index received a letter from József Bódis, Secretary of State for Higher Education, Innovation and Professional Training of the Ministry of Innovation and Technology (ITM), to the leaders of the National Conference of Student Municipalities. In this, the Secretary of State affirms that “in the control of the coronavirus epidemic, according to the decisions of the operational personnel

the participation of the students of our higher education institutions according to the management steps is necessary in the following tasks.

One task is periodic screening with antigen testing among elementary school, kindergarten, and nursery school staff. These are run by the County Protection Committees, who provide the necessary vehicles, testing, protective equipment, and comprehensive care for those involved in the assessment. The team is formed like this:

  • a driver
  • an administrator, and
  • two students of medical and health sciences.

According to József Bódis, “our task is to provide two students for each team, which we will solve by supervising third and fourth year students in medical, dental and health sciences.”

In addition to full board, students will receive a scholarship of 5,000 HUF per day and 7,500 HUF on weekends, and their professional training will be carried out with instructional videos, the portal writes.

In order to be able to select the National Ambulance Service, in addition to medical and health science students, we also need driving students who are studying in other fields; You can also find out in the information on József Bódis.

In the Central Hungary region, in addition to the Semmelweis University, this activity is carried out by students of the Budapest University of Technology, and in Debrecen, Pécs and Szeged they ask for the participation of other faculties of the universities. The University of Miskolc and the Széchenyi István University also participate in new screenings, in which, in addition to the faculty of health sciences, students from non-health-related faculties also participate.

The current decision also means that while medical and health science students have thus far been able to volunteer for coronavirus testing and other epidemiological tasks, this is now mandatory.

In addition to the austerity measures, Viktor Orbán announced last week that employees of educational and health institutions will be evaluated weekly (with rapid tests).

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