Two teachers were infected, but neither the district nor epidemiology helps a school in Miskolc


„2020. On September 11, joint work began with the Miskolc Tank District Center and the Department of Public Health of the Miskolc Government Office regarding the results of two employees who were on sick leave with a positive test ” said Margit Kaffka, Primary and Primary Art. reported first.

The letter indicates that the teachers have not visited the institution since September 7, “but the classes and communities that came into contact with them in the previous period were informed both to the authority and to the maintainer for the investigation of contacts.” And here began the problems that are not unique.

The weekend was spent by the responsible bodies contacting the caregivers of the departments concerned and ordering an investigation into the need for epidemiological surveillance of the students in question. Neither our institution nor the management of the tank area were informed about the taking of specific measures. The reason for the close communication of the weekend of uncertainty (with good reason) lies in this!

Write in a letter angry at the inertia of the school leadership.

“However, as a responsible leader, we know that the trust of our partners cannot be maintained without sensational and correct information.” – explain why they addressed the audience.

Meanwhile, two more teachers contracted the infection.

The letter then lists questions:

  • Will students from the affected departments be quarantined and when will there be epidemiological surveillance?
  • If the father cannot trust his son, can we accept it?
  • Does the mask protect us all? Make it mandatory to use them? How long will we use them for the rest of our lives?
  • Do we rely on the protective power of “flock immunity” or divine providence until responsible decisions come?

The school management closed its lines by publishing all the responses on its website. Because: “The safety of our most important children, families and colleagues!”

Featured Image: Kaffkások / Facebook
